Skiing Missions (Makeing a Ski Resort in Miranu Space)

Now, I am doing the mission with Ski moutian thing, and, i need to find a disapeard ship, and i have found it in Smott. But when ever i get into Smott, Miranu fighters come and attack me! I don't know why eather.

Can someone help me? Tell me why they are doing that?


Micah 😛


Those are actually Bounty Hunters hired by a company within the Miranu that do not want the resort to be built. It is not the Miranu as a whole that are attacking you, but a company that are of the Miranu race.

"Never think you've seen the last of anything."

It's a devious and twisted ploy of the somewhat corrupt Miranu trading industry. It's supposed to happen, so don't worry. Just try to fly away from them and it'll get explained when you land on the target planet.

If you have a powerful enough ship, then destroy them. I forget whether or not they come back in the next system you go to.

Old memory is really getting bad...

Just a piece of help

••The Crab

April 1st is the day upon which we are reminded what we are on the other 364 - Mark Twain
A holiday is just another word meaning escape. The difference is escape can be forever - Gunsh
Everyday of my life, I'm forced to add another name to the long list of people that piss me off - my favourite T-shirt.

OK, I AM CUNFUSED, BECAUSE, THEY SAY (opps, sorry about the CAPS) that they are Maranu (thats what they say in the target window) and, i donno what is wrong. I don't know how to deal with them, i have a scout ship, and i can't do anything with that...


Originally posted by Gunsh The Hermit Crab:
**It's a devious and twisted ploy of the somewhat corrupt Miranu trading industry. It's supposed to happen, so don't worry. Just try to fly away from them and it'll get explained when you land on the target planet.

If you have a powerful enough ship, then destroy them. I forget whether or not they come back in the next system you go to.

Old memory is really getting bad...

Just a piece of help

••The Crab



Well... do you have the miranu mad at you for some reason? If there's nothing like that... then I'd suggest waiting until you have a more powerful ship. Killing a few miranu fighters won't harm your rating with them very much. Even if it does, killing a few renegades will bring it right back up to where it was. Also, remember that you need a 1 jump ship to complete that whole mission string, so keep that in mind when you go for a "better ship".


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Originally posted by Hacim:
**OK, I AM CUNFUSED, BECAUSE, THEY SAY (opps, sorry about the CAPS) that they are Maranu (thats what they say in the target window) and, i donno what is wrong. I don't know how to deal with them, i have a scout ship, and i can't do anything with that...


They are supposed to say Miranu in the target window, but trust me, they're MTC (Miranu Trade Corporation, or something like that). It's possible for a ship to have the same transponder code as a government even if it's not part of that government. After all, UE Frontier ships say "U. Earth" just like regular UE ships, but they use two different government resources. I'm not sure if killing the fighters damages your status with the Miranu, but if it does, then not by enough to worry about.

Hee hee, 404 posts, not usually a good number when the Internet is concerned.

The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.
Ask me what I'm doing.

(This message has been edited by StarStrafer (edited 04-05-2001).)

just blow them up, i did. and they dont follow you. you wont go down in legal status either.


Your legal status will go down a little, but not much.

ho mang