Hi! This is Esponer, Paladin, Sylver and recently SilverDragon.

You can try changing your previous name to some rubbish made up email address,
but be warned you can't change back! <As far as I know - it's not been working>

So, everybody, remember who I am, please!

I have about 230 posts in total now!

And remember, don't mess about. You can change from on to another, but changing
back isn't posible unless you have another email address.

Okay, then.............

Esponer - I mean Paladin - I mean Sylver - I mean SilverDragon - out.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 posts

I,idiotSavant,solemnly swear,not to change my user name(much). πŸ˜‰

In three words I can sum up all I've learned about life;it goes on
-Robert Frost
ColdFusion is cool(if you didn't already know that)

(This message has been edited by idiotSavant (edited 03-28-2001).)

Um, why did you bother to register so many names? And why didn't you just wait until you'd found one that you liked before choosing a different one? And why do you keep talking about your post count?


My thoughts exactly... post count doesn't matter...

My goal is about 500, and then I'm happy.

But twice I've been knocked down to that "newbie" status of under 50.

Sure, it doesn't matter, but I still feel like a newbie with, how many posts? 7?

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 posts

I found this out the hard way when I acidently changed my email adress to "" (which doesn't exist) I used to be Mordon, and my old email was when I got a new email address, I decided to change my profile so that was my email adress. but I typed "" instead of ""... thus, my new quote (for awhile) was "Never underestimate the power of stupidity" if you do, it'll kick you in the *** when you're not watching.


My previous username was AresSniper. Since I haven't played Ares in forever, I figured is was unapprorpriate and registered "Captain Skyblade" in February.

~Captain Skyblade

The new Corsair Development team: Devoted to bringing you the best plugins for the Escape Velocity games. (url="http://"")

I haven't changed my username since I joined πŸ™‚ (That's why I have so many posts to my name, for those of you keeping track. :p)

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
"I do think we need for a troop to be able to house his family. That's an important part of building morale in the military." -- George W. Bush, March 12, 2001

Some thoughts on post count coming from one who's been an EV/O oldie since 1997/98:

Quantity matters not. Quality does.

End of story. πŸ˜›


(This message has been edited by UE Crusader (edited 03-29-2001).)


Originally posted by shayborg:
I haven't changed my username since I joined:) (That's why I have so many posts to my name, for those of you keeping track. :p)

I had a different username before. I used to babble about leprechauns on B&B.;


Aye, never change your e-mail.. damn death wish it is...

idiotSavant is my one and only user name.I'm proud of it.(sorta)

In three words I can sum up all I've learned about life;it goes on
-Robert Frost
ColdFusion is cool(if you didn't already know that)

I've never bothered with screen names. I've been posting with my own name since the original EV WWWBoard.

David Arthur
Talon Plugin for Classic EV: (url="http://"")

Alien, isn't this a bit of a rip off of Flatty's idead of 'Flatty's Ghost'?

Just a thought. What happened for you to leave anyway?

••The Crab

April 1st is the day upon which we are reminded what we are on the other 364 - Mark Twain
A holiday is just another word meaning escape. The difference is escape can be forever - Gunsh
Everyday of my life, I'm forced to add another name to the long list of people that piss me off - my favourite T-shirt.

(This message has been edited by Gunsh The Hermit Crab (edited 03-30-2001).)

I have EVO_@$$kicker, Elite_Andalite_126, kiwi_a2

--The Eye is Upon you--
If you look long enough the Sun isn't that bright.

Here's the reasons for all my names:
Esponer - Was going to be a name in a story I was writing, but the story collapsed, so
I changed to Paladin.

Paladin - Didn't think I'd get this. I still love it! But I made the one Sylver to take
a part in my RPG and work for the other guys, since they needed a player. I wouldn't
have been bias. πŸ˜‰

Sylver: Tried to change back to Paladin, but it failed.

SilverDragon: By this time I had changed the email of all three, so I couldn't go back.
I had to make a new one.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 posts

I think SilverDragon is your best name. Say hello Catbert.

"Life is like a trade ship going to JamesTown, you never know what you gona get."-Escape from Monkey island


I am Catbert evil HR director!

An easy way to go back, as long as you remember the E-mail address you changed your name too, is to sign up under that name on whatever server. This site will continually mail the password to that address until it finally gets it. pretty useful...

But I put in a load of rubbish I can't even remember!

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 posts