F-25 Help! Ready to give up!

I'm going nuts trying to accomplish one of the F-25 missions.

The mission is "find the intruder". It said to look in Igadzra space, near Notil. I have looked in every single system, and landed on (I think) every single planet) that is even close to there. I've been all over. I've been to about 45 different systems to no avail. What the heck?!?

The mission arrow points to Mira, but going there does nothing.

First, I thought I was looking for a ship... so I went to each system... hung around for a while... and kept tabbing to look for ships. Then I went again and visited each planet and bar. No luck there either.

I have NO other modules or plugins running, and I'm running version 1.0.2 I've got a combat rating of Ultimate, so I doubt it's that. There's supposed to be some ship accompanying me to pick up the alien ship if I find it... but there's no ship with me... the mission isn't failed though.

I'm about out of patience. This is very frustrating.


This is only from a vague memory, but:

Try uninhabited systems southeast
Try systems southwest of Igadzra space
Try all the systems adjacent the Igadzra system.

But F-25 is a horribly designed plug-in, in my opinion. I'm sorry to the creator, but
the system to system jump lines in the new galaxy are annoying.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 posts

Thanks... finally found it. ; )

It was in the Nujja system... you have to wait a little bit before the ship shows up, and it doesn;t look especially different from the other ships... you have to find it by tabbing and looking for "Unknown ship" and find it before any hell breaks loose in the system.




Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**This is only from a vague memory, but:

Try uninhabited systems southeast
Try systems southwest of Igadzra space
Try all the systems adjacent the Igadzra system.

But F-25 is a horribly designed plug-in, in my opinion. I'm sorry to the creator, but
the system to system jump lines in the new galaxy are annoying.


Stop talking out of your ass. Your argument has no value whatsoever- you make a judgement about the entire's plug's design because you don't like how the systems look. This is the kind of thing that prevents people from ever finishing plug-ins. Do me a favor. When the new version comes out, don't play it.
