2 Questions

1. (Originaly from the "Boss Points" post: ) How do you know what the number should be for a a boss activation point (level info 15)? Is it in 'blocks' or what? I'm trying to make a boss that is like the Mandratki (sp?) Warrior or the Goblin Chief- you go into the 'room' and it scrolls, and won't let you back. This type of question WAS asked in some older posts, but wasn't really answered.

2. I have tried to make a FG B&W; smoothed tilemap. I created a 150x150 pixel square in GraphicConverter. I made my image. I then created a 150x150 block level in MASCOT. But when I chose "Paste image as smoothed tilemap". But the image doesn't fill the entire level!

I'm getting really annoyed with #2! :mad:

Saftey: "Lock the doors. And hope they don't have blasters."
--Star Wars, Episode 4, "A New Hope"
Philosophy: "Always ask yourself the questions you cannot answer."
-- Journeyman Project 3

(This message has been edited by watzerman (edited 12-29-2000).)

(This message has been edited by watzerman (edited 12-29-2000).)

Answer #1:
I could explain to you about how I THINK the boss points are in pixels (can't spell) and how I THINK you have to have the room all set up right but I'm going to tell you what I DID which is, simply copy the boss level (obviously with the appropriate boss) from the original game into your game using ResEdit.

Answer #2:
I really don't know, but I've made about 12 levels just fine without pasting in a map, I've just used the MASCOT editor itself.

PS: I have another question and this seems an appropriate place to post it: How can you put two bosses in a room and have the exit open only when BOTH bosses are dead?

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Originally posted by Dr Tall:
**PS: I have another question and this seems an appropriate place to post it: How can you put two bosses in a room and have the exit open only when BOTH bosses are dead?


I don't think you can do that; you might have to have 2 doors, 1 for each boss. Though then again, the door might only open when both are dead anyways. I don't know.

Saftey: "Lock the doors. And hope they don't have blasters."
--Star Wars, Episode 4, "A New Hope"
Philosophy: "Always ask yourself the questions you cannot answer."
-- Journeyman Project 3

The most progress I've gotten is that after one (either) boss is dead the door opens. If you have two doors, they both open. Twenty-seven doors? They all open. Is there anyway around this problem?

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better
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Originally posted by watzerman:
**1. (Originaly from the "Boss Points" post: ) How do you know what the number should be for a a boss activation point (level info 15)? Is it in 'blocks' or what? I'm trying to make a boss that is like the Mandratki (sp?) Warrior or the Goblin Chief- you go into the 'room' and it scrolls, and won't let you back. This type of question WAS asked in some older posts, but wasn't really answered.

Just place the starting location where you want to have the bosspoint.
Then choose level info from the menu, remember the first number in "starting location", and use the same number as the boss-point.

"This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Let´s not bicker and argue about who killed who."

#2: I'd have to see the level and the pixmap, both.

twice in a dream i visioned
nerds content with empowering
man and space


Originally posted by Knight of NI:
**Just place the starting location where you want to have the bosspoint.
Then choose level info from the menu, remember the first number in "starting location", and use the same number as the boss-point.


Works! BTW, I have found that boss-death-activated doors are NOT INFO(0) = -2, but -1. Therefore, I have created a timed boss level. 2 minutes to kill the Warrior! :eek: If I ever put that kind of level in a set I create, I'll make the limit more like 3.5 minutes.

Saftey: "Lock the doors. And hope they don't have blasters."
--Star Wars, Episode 4, "A New Hope"
Philosophy: "Always ask yourself the questions you cannot answer."
-- Journeyman Project 3


Originally posted by watzerman:
**Therefore, I have created a timed boss level. 2 minutes to kill the Warrior!

I love that idea!
Without a time limit, the Warrior is too easy to beat.

BTW, would you like to join the One Big World project?

"Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"


Originally posted by aschaaf_86:
**BTW, would you like to join the One Big World project?


No thanks. Like I said in another post, I think the project will be great to play, but really hard to program over the internet as a team. From what I've read, skimming through the posts, you guys are doing a great job together, and I think you can do it, but I'm not good at that sort of thing.

PS: I uploaded the Timed Bosses tester set to the Add-ons page. 3:00 to beat the Warrior (I can sometimes do it in 2, but that's too hard) and 0:45 to beat the Goblin. At the beginning, though, you get 3 rez neclaces, 3 health crystals, and 4 magic crystals, so you don't have to worry about dying or running out of magic.

Saftey: "Lock the doors. And hope they don't have blasters."
--Star Wars, Episode 4, "A New Hope"
Philosophy: "Always ask yourself the questions you cannot answer."
-- Journeyman Project 3


Posted by watzerman:
Therefore, I have created a timed boss level. 2 minutes to kill the Warrior!

Forgive me but if you say you have to beat the Warrior in two minutes, I can't see a way to really make them do that. To time a level, you have to set a Race Start Marker somewhere, right. This would naturally be near the start and would be behind the boss point so they player can't just go reset it during the fight. Now lets say time expires and the timed door seals, yet the player continues to fight the boss. When the player kills the boss, he'll still be locked in, but now the player is free the roam beyond the boss point, free to restart the race, and free to saunter across the boss room with a full two minutes to do so. Sorry to burst your bubble. 🙂

PS: Has anyone thought about my question? Probably not, but I'll just ask again, is there anyone who can think of a way to force a player to fight TWO bosses in one room, and not have the boss points switch off and the boss door open upon the death of the first?

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better
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(This message has been edited by Dr Tall (edited 01-01-2001).)


Posted by Dr Tall:
I can't see a way to really make them do that

Sorry to burst your bubble Dr Tall, but if you think about it for a second, maybe watzerman already thought about that. If you put a barrier just in front of the start marker, the marker is protected when time runs out, forcing a player to kill himself or for the unimaginative, just quit. Gosh, Dr Tall, how could you be so stupid!

PS: Yes, I realize I'm talking to myself

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better


Originally posted by Dr Tall:
**Sorry to burst your bubble Dr Tall, but if you think about it for a second, maybe watzerman already thought about that. If you put a barrier just in front of the start marker, the marker is protected when time runs out, forcing a player to kill himself or for the unimaginative, just quit. Gosh, Dr Tall, how could you be so stupid!

PS: Yes, I realize I'm talking to myself


That DID arise, and I DID fix it, exactly the way you said. At first I forgot you could go back behind the point once the boss is dead! :redface:
You can should be able to see the example on the Add-Ons page; I've uploaded it, though it doesn't look very nice.

PS: I'll edit this message w/ the links to the files for Spamguy when I upload them (a few hours).

Edit: Here's the link: (url="http://"http://hometown.aol.com/jevandyke/down/misc/MASCOTfgMap.sit.bin")http://hometown.aol....OTfgMap.sit.bin(/url)

Saftey: "Lock the doors. And hope they don't have blasters."
--Star Wars, Episode 4, "A New Hope"
Philosophy: "Always ask yourself the questions you cannot answer."
-- Journeyman Project 3

(This message has been edited by watzerman (edited 01-01-2001).)

oops didn't mean to post twice

(This message has been edited by Dr Tall (edited 01-02-2001).)


Posted by watzerman:
That DID arise, and I DID fix it, exactly the way you said

I guess I must be telepathic...hmmm let me guess. You can download your level at (url="http://"http://hometown.aol.com/jevandyke/down/misc/MASCOTfgMap.sit.bin")http://hometown.aol....OTfgMap.sit.bin(/url)

Am I right?

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better


Originally posted by Dr Tall:
**I guess I must be telepathic...hmmm let me guess. You can download your level at http://hometown.aol.com/jevandyke/down/mis...OTfgMap.sit.bin

Am I right?

Accually, if you look at Spamguy's post, that's where the files he asked to see are at. The level file is on the add-on's page.

Saftey: "Lock the doors. And hope they don't have blasters."
--Star Wars, Episode 4, "A New Hope"
Philosophy: "Always ask yourself the questions you cannot answer."
-- Journeyman Project 3

At the top of the post you said everything was 150x150; when I hacked using MASCOT and GraphicConverter, everything was 100x100. Did you edit this between then and now?

I got the FG map to fit, aside from the bottom row of pixels being cut off. What I did was I shrank the level's dimensions to 50x50. For some reason MASCOT is treating one pixel as a 2x2 square, which is not normal.

twice in a dream i visioned
nerds content with empowering
man and space

(This message has been edited by spamguy (edited 01-02-2001).)


Originally posted by spamguy:
**At the top of the post you said everything was 150x150; when I hacked using MASCOT and GraphicConverter, everything was 100x100. Did you edit this between then and now?

I did change the size; I wanted to see if that was the problem. It (from what you and I have seen) wasn't.

Saftey: "Lock the doors. And hope they don't have blasters."
--Star Wars, Episode 4, "A New Hope"
Philosophy: "Always ask yourself the questions you cannot answer."
-- Journeyman Project 3


It's the darndest thing!!

It seems that when I make the pictmap with another graphics program (aka SuperPaint) it works perfectly! Isn't that odd? 😕

Sorry, I had to quote that line from some game I saw/played somewhere.

Saftey: "Lock the doors. And hope they don't have blasters."
--Star Wars, Episode 4, "A New Hope"
Philosophy: "Always ask yourself the questions you cannot answer."
-- Journeyman Project 3

(This message has been edited by watzerman (edited 01-03-2001).)