Still Haven't Registered

I have had EVO for over and still have not gotten around to registering the darn thing. I have filled out all the forms, but never gotten around to mailing them or anything. Oh well. Only downside is that every now and then Cap'n Hector steals a bunch of my money, but hey, better that then pay the 25 dollars it costs or whatever to register.


I normally like to register, but I can't really condemn you. I had EV for 666 days before finally registering. Kind of creepy number...

When did I go Insane?

You just missed an amnesty during which you could have registered EV:O (and a lot of other Ambrosia software) for $10. I believe that the event was a great success for Ambrosia. Maybe they'll stage another at some point in the future.

I have heard that if you persist with an unregistered copy of EV:O, Captain Hector starts shooting at you. He's the little dude in the Helian that you can't (well, you can but it's very hard) kill. I have never personally seen him attack.

He appears with increasing frequency the longer you go without registering... I don't know about you, but if there was a hostile in every single system, who could shoot at me but I couldn't shoot at him... well, I'd have a hard time completing the game.

I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma. (url="http://"")New & Improved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
I got this .sig file at - don't even think about taunting me!

Captain hector will shoot at you, sometimes with phase cannons, but usually with heavy rockets and needle missiles. The trick is to get a really manueverable ship and dodge 'em...

If you use a phased beam against him, it'll appear to cause damage, (little explosions, fire, etc.,) but since his shields are unlisted, I belive they are nonexistant (and therefore untouchable.)

(Lies are in your head.)

C'mon register!
I always register on like the 30 th day exactly...

Arrrrrrr, matey!!!!

I really think you should register it. It just means that other software by Ambrosia can't be created due to lack of funds. I hope you're proud of yourself 😉

But seriously, what's $25? Nothing!

C'mon splash out. You'll get EV Nova cheaper maybe.....

Incidentely(sp?) this post marks my return to the EVO board from the Just Chat and B&B; boards. I'm glad to see that there aren't so many poor story lines now.

••The Crab

April 1st is the day upon which we are reminded what we are on the other 364 - Mark Twain
A holiday is just another word meaning escape. The difference is escape can be forever - Gunsh
Everyday of my life, I'm forced to add another name to the long list of people that piss me off - my favourite T-shirt.