Evolution backwards

How do I convert an evo plug to an ev plug?

Who´s on first
And whats on second


Get an EV Plug-in and ResEdit.

Open the EV Plug-in in ResEdit, look at the creator/file info.

Open the EVO Plug-in. Change to creator/file info for the EVO plug-in and change it to that of the EV Plug-in.

When you quit ResEdit, you will notice that the EVO plug-ins's Icon has changed from a Voinian Fighter to a Hawk. You have created a plug-in that EV will accept and care for as if it was created for it in the first place.

A rather touching feeling.

You're just jealous that the voices talk to me.(b)
(url="http://"http://pub40.ezboard.com/bthecatacomb")Catacomb's Alt. EV Boards(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.jonpearse.f2s.com/ev3/ev3_quotes.php")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url)

you don't?

"No matter how subtle a wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style"
| AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence3 | (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro &default;=8")Search(/url), inc | (url="http://"http://www1.minn.net/~fpeters/scripts/happy.html")Don't Click Here(/url) |


Originally posted by OctoberFost:
**Get an EV Plug-in and ResEdit.

Open the EV Plug-in in ResEdit, look at the creator/file info.

Open the EVO Plug-in. Change to creator/file info for the EVO plug-in and change it to that of the EV Plug-in.

When you quit ResEdit, you will notice that the EVO plug-ins's Icon has changed from a Voinian Fighter to a Hawk. You have created a plug-in that EV will accept and care for as if it was created for it in the first place.

A rather touching feeling.


Ah, that's how you do it. I was wondering about that recently.

"Well, we could grind
our enemies into powder, but gosh, we did that yesterday."


Originally posted by OctoberFost:
**Get an EV Plug-in and ResEdit.

Open the EV Plug-in in ResEdit, look at the creator/file info.

Open the EVO Plug-in. Change to creator/file info for the EVO plug-in and change it to that of the EV Plug-in.

When you quit ResEdit, you will notice that the EVO plug-ins's Icon has changed from a Voinian Fighter to a Hawk. You have created a plug-in that EV will accept and care for as if it was created for it in the first place.

A rather touching feeling.


That won't work backwards, though, or work if the plugin involves new systems but the original galaxy, or missions originating from a specific stellar, or involving a specific government, or a ship/outfit.mission only available on a "special planets only" tech leavel (I.E, the Confed Cruiser only being available on Luna in original EV,) since all the planets, governments, etc. are different in EVO. Anything more complicated than a basic "credit encreasing" cheater runs the rishk of screwing up the game. It won't always work backwards, either, (converting an EV plug to EVO, since there are additional fields in some of the resources since EVO is more complicated.)

(Lies are in your head.)

I was assuming that the asker of the question had changed to resources to match that of EV.

You're just jealous that the voices talk to me.(b)
(url="http://"http://pub40.ezboard.com/bthecatacomb")Catacomb's Alt. EV Boards(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.jonpearse.f2s.com/ev3/ev3_quotes.php")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url)