
What's this whole karma thing? Someone please help me out

-Jared Schroeder Renowned Starship Captain of the U.E.S Stephanie- Vonian Kill Count-6,969 Renegade Kill Count-420

How nice to people on the boards pretty much I think.

--The Eye is Upon you--
If you look long enough the Sun isn't that bright.

Basically karma is a measure of your actions on the board. Do an act of goodness that a moderator likes and you get a point. Screw up and you lose one. They have no real bearing on anything unless you get to -10. Then andrew will obliterate you with his hummer.

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Ubermann~Your friendly advice guy
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And what exactly would be a good thing that would deserve a plus point? I mean, we have pretty limited options here!

Don't call me Batman EP
on Twang

Some have said to make them laugh so hard they pee there pants. Other's say to post helpfull posts and have a generealy good attitude on the boards for a while, and they will boost it. Never gotton any myself hint, hint 😄

-Kyle "Vader" Blessing
-May the force be with you

Although posts are supposed not to relate to karma, I'm of the opinion that they do in
a way - have you ever seen someone with high karma and under a 100 posts?

If there is anyone like that then please come around and tell us exactly what you

After all, I'm sure we're all being helpful - every single one of us - in answering
questions. Is it a number of questions asked (making it related to posts) or is it
the quality of your reply.

It seems to me that people with high karma say they know how it works, but that
posts doesn't matter seems to be wrong, as has been proved time and time again.

Z.S.S Topaz
Honoured Leader of the Zidagar
Zacha Ultimate
Azdgari's Nightmare

(This message has been edited by Esponer (edited 03-24-2001).)

Hm, maybe the ppl with high Karma paid the moderators to boost them...
just kidding

Arrrrrrr, matey!!!!

Karma, is, as you all mentioned, an indication of how "good" a person has been on the board. To avoid negative karma is simple: Follow the guidelines (http://www.AmbrosiaS...guidelines.html) and don't attack people unnecessarily. Oh... and don't swear excessively... that's sure to take you deep into negative territory, and quick.

To get positive karma is a little more difficult. The whole karma system is designed so that positive karma is difficult to get and easy to lose. Each moderator has their own idea of what deserves a positive karma point. For some, it's a post that really makes people think, or a particularly eloquent post, or one that makes them laugh really hard. Some moderators will give positive karma if you defend someone who is being flamed unnecessarily, or if you act as a "voice of reason" when things get out of hand. Another factor is which forums you visit; moderators vary from forum to forum, and some may be more inclined to give out karma than others.

But most of all, remember, that Karma isn't all that important. As long as you stay out of deep negative territory (above -6 or so), you'll do just fine. Don't worry that you'll lose karma or go around searching for ways to get it. If you just go on doing what you're doing now, then you'll eventually find that someone will reward you with a karma point. If not, don't be disappointed, it's just a number on the computer screen, after all. You'll find that you get far more respect for what you say than for the level of your karma.

A hatch opened up and the aliens said,
"We're sorry to learn that you soon will be dead,
But though you may find this slightly macabre,
We prefer your extinction to the loss of our job."

(This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 03-24-2001).)

Go read the guidelines.... and a good way NOT to get good karma is to ask about karma.

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I used to have a +1 karma, but I flammed somebody so I lost it.

"Life is like a trade ship going to JamesTown, you never know what you gona get."-Escape from Monkey island

I got a point for helping newbies.

I wonder where it went...

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