Lets break a record.

We can break the record of the most people logged on to the Ambrosia Forums if we try,

There will be three attempts,
Ā• 6pm Saturday
Ā• 8pm Saturday
Ā• 2pm Sunday

We need to get more than 82 people on.

Ensign Paris

Visit StarBase 64 by (url="http://"http://starbase64.brooklineuk.com") Clicking here.(/url)

You might want to specify a time zone, if you make the attempt... People here live all over the world. Of course, I don't think many people will try anyway, because a) lots of people may have schedule conflicts, etc. and šŸ†’ there is no point. šŸ™‚

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)!
"Please leave your values at the front desk." Ā– Sign in a Paris hotel, courtesy of (url="http://"http://www.rinkworks.com")www.rinkworks.com(/url)

Eastern America: 5 hours earlier said
Central: 6 hours earlier than said
West: 7 hours earlier than said

Someone else can work it out more accurately if they want, and for other countries,
well, it's 10:47pm here and I'm tired so don't complain.

Z.S.S Topaz
Honoured Leader of the Zidagar
Zacha Ultimate
Azdgari's Nightmare


Originally posted by Esponer:
**Eastern America: 5 hours earlier said
Central: 6 hours earlier than said
West: 7 hours earlier than said

Someone else can work it out more accurately if they want, and for other countries,
well, it's 10:47pm here and I'm tired so don't complain.

Fine with me.

'89 Macintosh= Windows 98
The Microsoft Corp= A Solitaire Game
--From A Real UE Supporter--The Truth Is Out There.
You know the best is out there, just don't ignore it.

I'll be there.

You're just jealous that the voices talk to me.(b)
(url="http://"http://pub40.ezboard.com/bthecatacomb")Catacomb's Alt. EV Boards(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.jonpearse.f2s.com/ev3/ev3_quotes.php")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url)

I'll be there for the first two.

Z.S.S Topaz
Honoured Leader of the Zidagar
Zacha Ultimate
Azdgari's Nightmare

6pm Saturday has failed.


PS: Hi! I'm Esponer reincarnated after a nasty accident with a phased beamer and
shipment of Saalian brandy.


will just miss it logging of at 7:59 hehe

OOh, arrr! It's Ambrosia(aar)!!!
Interested in EV? Interested in an RPG on it? Play an online RPG based on it at (url="http://"http://www.oxy-web.com/uev")www.oxy-web.com/uev(/url) PS, Confed players welcome

How about we just let it happen naturally? It's more fun that way.

"No matter how subtle a wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style"
| AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence3 | (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro &default;=8")Search(/url), inc | (url="http://"http://www1.minn.net/~fpeters/scripts/happy.html")Don't Click Here(/url) |

I agree - don't try and fake it, let it happen naturally.

This is Esponer reincarnated after an accident with a phased beamer and a shipment of Saalian brandy.