Come and have a go if you think you're 'ard enough!

ok wise guy, Igazra w/ 6 shield enchancers, cloaking device, 2 sensor upgrades(1 experimental), dospect armor, bronev plating, ue, crescent, zidagar, azdara fighter bays, 4 proton turrets, 6 reversable inward flame throwers, one century gun, enhanced 3x engines, and an escort of 32 voinian dreadnaughts

My name is Dr. Jones

Ooookkaaay: what the hell is the century gun, reversibale flamethrower, OR the proton turret?

I have plenty of talent and vision. I just don't give a damn.


GunsAndTurrets wrote:
**Ooookkaaay: what the hell is the century gun, reversibale flamethrower, OR the proton turret?


Also, you can only have 7 (or is it 😎 ships MAX in your fleet. And your ship can't carry all those fighters bays anyway, not enough free space.

And about the pilot - A good pilot helps, but everyone meets their match. Take on an Igazra in a shuttle craft, it will just launch SAE modules at you, which you can't outrun, and which will destroy you. Also, it EVO EVER went multiplayer, everyone who has one of those special Azdara's with those shields jobs, any sucka will just buy a tractor beam, get you in front of their blasters, and blow you across space faster than you can imagine. Sheilds may recharge fast, and rockets may blow you away to allow you to recharge, but any player with any brains will just sit back, trap you with a tractor beam, and pummel you. No luck.

As I travel through the
gates of hell to face the
deamons, I know my knife
is by my side, and that
all hell can't stop me

Heh, Kinda late to post for the origanal topic, but...
ANY of my ships could beat ya all! With 50 shield enhancers, I AM GOD!!!!

Heavy swings the club.

In a 1 against 1 match (if there was a multiplayer) this is all you need to win:

A fast ship that can fit 2-3 SAD/SAE launchers and 60 modules (getting rid of everything
else, keeping 30 more tons if possible)
A tractor beam
2 Phase Turrets or 4 Cannons

Tell me - can anyone beat that?
It could destroy you with SAD modules, and if you have an Azdara even the tiny weapons
on that could beat it. Then again, a full warship with speed upgrades would be fun too.

Cannons are cool, but the best weapon in the game is the SAE Module, and the SAD one
is quite good too.

Draw the line with fire,
Cross it with ice,
Banish the fiery sun,
And bring on the silent moon.

Woah, I've never heard SAEs described as 'the best'.. anything before! Except maybe the best aimlessly spinning colourful starry round things :). I thought SADs were good when I first ventured to the South Tip and did renegade killing for the Strandless.. and they worked quite well - but the modules take up heaps of space and you really need 3 to guarantee that one will go in something like the right direction!

Ha! Those ships don't hold a candle to my Stormbringer! Who can honestly say they conquered Council Station without cheats? My Azzy did!

Ship Type: Azdara

4 Swivel Phase
1 Dospect armor
All sensor upgrades
Experimental Shield Generator
Cloaking Device
Azdgari Upgrade

Those who are blinded by the light shall stumble in the darkness...
Visit the (url="http://"")EVO Discussion Area(/url) 'cause I told you to!
(url="http://" &default;=")USE ME, DAMNIT!!!(/url)

Hmm, and how long did that take?


OK! Some of this is making me aggrivated! Some of you morons are saying you have 50 shield enhancers, 10 phase turrets, capturing the Dreadnought. DON'T LIE! It won't get you ANYWHERE, and no one believes you! So just be honest, instead of trying to get attention! Thank you!

As for your ship, S.S. Invincible, I am not scared. Infact, I laughed when I read your ship description. I could take you out (and a few others here) easily. I have two main ships:

Current Ship: Icewind Falcon
Ship type: Crescent Fighter

4 Swivel Phasers
Sensory Enhancements
1 Fuel Tank
1 Fuel Scoop
1 Afterburner
Cargo Pod (Required for Zidagar Missions)
Systems Enhancement
This setting leaves me with 1 ton of free space.

If I take my time, and act like a SMART pilot, I can take out a Voinian Cruiser with ease. I have taken out 2 Voinian Cruisers that were stacked before, and their fighter counterparts. The ships that give me the most trouble are Azdaras and Voinian Heavy Fighters. On the Dreadnought mission, my backup was totally obliterated when he was at 54% shields. Thus meaning I pretty much destroyed the Dreadnought myself.

Ultimate, favorite ship (though I am close to my falcon): A.E.S. Firebird
Ship Type: Arada

4 Swivel Phasers
2 Fuel Tanks
2 Fuel Scoops
2 Mass Expansions
4 Shield Enhancers
1 Shield Generator
1 Exp. Shield Generator
Sensory/ECM Equuipment
1 Afterburner
Marine Equipment

This leaves me with 6 tons of free space

With this ship, I've probably taken out 2/3 of the Voinian Navy, perhaps ALL the North Tip Renegades and South Tip Renegades, both Human and Alien, maybe 1/4 of the Zidagar Navy plenty of Igazras.

Think I'm lying? Read "Moments of Pride and Accomplishment". Still think I'm lying? Oh well, think what you wish.

- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Crew of One Challenger
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation

Why you felt the need to dig this up from long over a year ago is beyond me. But that's pretty similar to what my ship is. Well, one of my four ships anyway.

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

I don't know about you, but personally, my ship could take you ALL on!
J/k, but it does kick butt

UE Cruiser, with 5 neutron turrets, Adzgari upgrade, turn, thrust, everything upgrade, Adzgari shield enhancer, Bronev, mass expansions, 3 Dispy launchers, 20 D. Rockets, one plasma Siphon, two phased beamers. At 50% speed, I can kill any Azdara! even the whole fleet of ten "Enhanced" Azdaras. the only thing i had trouble with was when I demanded tribute from Voinia and Borb station at the same time. Oh, and I have 3 Igadzras, one UE cruiser, one Adzgara WS, and one Voinian cruiser as escorts. HA.

PS my escorts do die pretty often, but i just replace them.

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

Man....You guys sure know how to argue about some little crap topic for a long time.....First the person who starts this claims he can beat everyone with his sissy little ship, and then everyone's posting their ships, their armaments, and what they think is this best ship, blah blah blah and more nonsense. Hmmm.....If this is nonsense, why am I blabbing on about it anyway? Maybe it's not really nonsense after all......Anyway, if there were an EV/EVO multiplayer thing, I'd whip anyone who challenged 1v1, anything from an Azdara with expirimental shield thingies, to leviathan UE/Voinian Cuisers and even an Igazra. I have a very unique set of weapons, but they're all from the Dark Station Beta plug that I'm helping test. I'll hafta get some armaments that are from plain ol' EVO. And as for what October Fost said a while back, about Confed Cruisers not being good, you try taking on a Confed Cruiser with one Gunboat bay, 2 Gunboats, 1 Partol Ship bay, 5 Patrol Ships, 2 missile launchers, 54 missiles, 2 torpedo launchers, 55 torpedos, 2 Proton Turrets, and 2 Neutron Turrets (which are basically longer-ranged more powerful EV Neutron Cannons). See if that's enough to satisfy you. And about this arguement on whether the pilot is more important than the ship, they're both equally important. Sure, brag about taking on the Dreadnought in your wimpy Scoutship or Krait, and how you used your skill and wits as a pilot, and you can't use that skill with big hulking warships. Try this: Get a CW, fit it with some turning/engine upgrades or an Azdgari Upgrade to make it maneuverable. Because, trust me, it'll be as maneuverable as that little Freight-Courier or Cargo Transport you took the Dreadnought out in. Stick some SAD's, dispy rockets, and 4 phase turrets while keeping the fighters, and take over every single system that makes up the Miranu Core Worlds. That's what I'm doing, and I don't doubt anyone else could, but I wouldn't mind seeing for myself if someone other than me would take it on. Well DUH basically everyone would take it on when they hear it's all Crescent Fighters that make up the defense fleets, but think about this: five little CF's continually swarming and firing at you as if they had some intelligince, while you're trying to outsmart them with your power and speed, not to mention durability. These are the conditions that I'm facing each time I demand tribute. I'd like to see what other people do under these conditions....

Voinian bad bad ugly ugly Neutron bad bad ouch ouch Rocket bad bad hurt hurt ouch ouch

Oh, and BTW, what Scalebone said about 50, allow me to repeat, 50 shield enhancers, that's like cheat-o-rama. The maximum of shield enhancers is only FOUR. You can do nothing but CHEAT to get 50 damn shield enhancers!! Oh, and, BTW Scalebone, what ship do you fly, a UE Cruiser with 20 RCS/Engine/Thrust upgrades and 99 Neutron Turrets or something? JEEEEZZZ!!

Voinian bad bad ugly ugly Neutron bad bad ouch ouch Rocket bad bad hurt hurt ouch ouch

Oh and my current ship (or what it would be w/o the Dark Station plug) is a CW with 2 shield enhancers (the ones that boost your shields, not the regeneration), 4 Phase Turrets, 3 CF's+bay, 2 SAD launchers+30 SAD's, 1 dispy. launcher+20 rockets, all sensor upgrades, a cloaking device, a systems upgrade, and an RCS, and it was all made possible by 2 Mass Expansions, which still left me with 30 tons of cargo for any and all courier delivery that's required. It might not be the best, most powerful, fastest, or most durable, but it's a deadly balance of every one.

Voinian bad bad ugly ugly Neutron bad bad ouch ouch Rocket bad bad hurt hurt ouch ouch

(This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 03-23-2001).)

Lemme put things into perspective:

A Voinian Cruiser (After having expended its rockets) could not bring my Azdara's armor below 97%. Could not. I parked my ship, sat for a coupla minutes, nothing. Got up, made lunch, watched TV for a while, my ship was STILL THERE, only a tiny sliver of its armor bar gone, the Cruiser STILL firing away.

No way any of you could claim that (Without cheating, that is).

Do not mistake wishes for truth.
Visit the (url="http://"")EVO Discussion Area(/url) 'cause I told you to!

I'll kick all your butt's with my shuttle!
just kidding

Arrrrrrr, matey!!!!