how do you get rid of escorts?

i am losing money to a damn expesive escort, and i was wondering if there was any other way of getting rid of him apart from going totally bankrupt?!?!?!

thanks in advance..

Flim sez this, therefore
it must be so, nomatter
what everyone else

Hold down option while you hit tab to select ships, and you can select your escorts. Hail the escort ship and click "release from servitude."

The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.
Ask me what I'm doing.


Originally posted by Flim the Invincible:
**i am losing money to a damn expesive escort, and i was wondering if there was any other way of getting rid of him apart from going totally bankrupt?!?!?!

thanks in advance..


Hm, you could have just READ THE DOCUMENTATION that came with EV:O.
Besides, don't hire, bored and capture!

Arrrrrrr, matey!!!!

Hey, who reads manuals these days, when you can get nice friendly answers on
web boards?

Oh, and when you release them from servitude, shoot them down.


Z.S.S Topaz
Honoured Leader of the Zidagar
Zacha Ultimate
Azdgari's Nightmare