ATTN Moderators (Jude, Chamrin, anyone)

Please delete the 2 crass posts in "The Dark Tide 3" topic; you'll know them when you see them. They were done by some cowardly idiot using an unregistered name, obviously too afraid to post junk like that with their true nick.

Furthermore, it is my hope that you will use whatever means you have of banning that fellow....IP you definitely can do, if there are other ways to ban an unregistered user please use them also.

Thanks; that kind of pathetic crudeness has no place on a board like this IMHO, nor does anyone who would post such things.



question what is ip?

EVO addict

Every computer on the Internet has an IP Address (Normally in the form of something like this:

Check out my site at

Ensign Paris!

Visit StarBase 64 by (url="http://"") Clicking here.(/url)

Yeah, it's best to view it as a computer's fingerprint. Except for a few exceptions, you can only have one IP.

Akula, don't even think about it, I have Larry in my pocket and I know how to use him!
Ubermann~Your friendly advice guy
This hoof and mouth disease has really upped US security. Now the US isn't taking any of Europe's bull.
Great game, gotta check it out!(url="http://"")--20--(/url)