Help for Newbies

This topic is for all of those newbies out there who are having trouble getting a good ship or making enough money in the begining of the game. This is what I usually do. First, you get your Shuttle. I would do the UE shipping mission so you can get some good missions. Next I would got to the system next to Knox that contains the Stellar Corp. planet. I would join them, and do a couple of their missions to get some more money. Once you hav enough to buy a Cargo Transporter, and maybe a little more. Go to the Hatuli system near Huron. There you get trade between the two planets, and never have to make any jumps. When you have some more money, you can hire escourts, and then yo can make practically as much money as you want. I usually stop around 1.5 million, just because it gets boring. Then I buy a Helian, and trick it out with phase cannons and some fuel tanks and scoops, etc.. I then do the Voinian Defector missions and the Dreadnaught missions, except killing it, with this ship. If I were you at this point, I would download a plug, or cheat, that lets you keep the UE cloaking device, even after you buy a new ship. I think that its called "CloakKeep". Then I would go to the Miranu area of space, and land on Mira. This lets you do the Miranu/UE trade agreement mission. Then head to Blaga and join Miranu Trading Corp.. When you have some good money, I would buy a Miranu Freighter, and give it some more Phase turrets and stuff. This ship might not be the most Combat ready in the galaxy, but you should be able to take down the Dreadnaught with some patience. Then you'll have some serious money. Once done with that, I would go to the Chak system in Azdgari space, and buy as much Weapons as you can form the Commodity Exchange. Then plot a course to Zidagar, then to Himgro, then, throught Priat, to Emalgion. There, you can sell your weapons for big profit. You can alos do the Emalgia missions where you defend the system, then bring together the UE and Emalgia governments.
If you want to keep going with trading, then I would buy a Miranu Heavy Freighter, then give it some Engine Upgrades. If you want to get a reasonbly good fighting ship, you can get either an Arada, or maybe even a Lizara. I hope this helps you newbies out there to become great EV:O masters.

"Censorship enslaves those who are unable to think for themselves"
"True greatness is being given the gift of knowledge, then having the knowledge to apply that gift."
"When they give you lined paper, write the other way."

Yeah, that's a great plan... except for the whole cheating bit. Why the hell would you be telling newbies to download cheat plugs? I just go for the CW before I do the voinian missions, and then finish the game in it. That, or I get ahold of an Igazra.

"No matter how subtle a wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style"
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I dont Know I do it a little different and I ended up with an Igadzara in 1 days but that way sounds good too. I never tried that.