Star trek plug in

I've just download that Star trek plug in and the ships look great but there is no story line. I keep getting those UE recructment messages is this supposed to happen because its incomplete or have i screwed up the installation?

Stand aside chubby the bell tolls for thee!!!!!
are you a mac communist? then go to (url="http://"")
Have you seen Mac OS girl?

Where did you download it from? It propbably isn't finished so wait for the next release

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

-DeadMan -Quickly approaching 150 posts!
You're so stupid, you tripped over the wire of a cordless phone!
Coming Soon: (url="http://"")The Mystery of the Council(/url)
- Visit my Website: (url="http://"")EVO Info(/url)

We need more info if we are going to help you.
Are you refering to (url="http://"") If so this is still in development stages, but it should be worth it. It is some of the best graphics you'll see.

Happy Saint patricks Day indeed,
just remember, don't drink too much green beer then drive, you'll really have to go and won't want to stop because no place is open. So don't drink and drive, got it?

(url="http://"")Doing the Right Thing(/url) | (url="http://"") Rudy Stocks(/url)

"A terrible darkness has fallen upon us, but we must not surrender to it. We shall lift lamps of courage and find our way through to the morning."
-Member of Emalgha Resistance