Amazon like creatures on Reef Iland: How to kill?

How are the Amazon like creatures on Reef Iland to kill?


Those creatures are called Lillith's. Alone they aren't too bad, although they
can certainly dish out some damage. The main problem fighting them though is that they
are fast(hard to run away from) and they like to gang up. You may be fighting one, and
suddenly 2-3 more come in to join in the fun. I recommend that when you see one, back
up a few steps and let them come to you, so that you do not move forward and "find"
multiple lilliths. And there are tons of lilliths on each screen. Bring lots of
healing potions if you are a lower level or don't have some massive armor. One nice
thing about the lillith's though(well, 2 things), is that they drop healing potions
fairly often, so it is easy to keep stocked up. And they offer nice experience which
makes levelling on Reef Island pretty quick and easy.

Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.

basic PoG fighting etiquette, lesson one:

step one, block

step two, keep blocking

step three, wait for the baddie to hit you (the "klang" sound is the best indication, not the visuals), then counter attack

step four, resume blocking and repeat as necessary.

In my experience, only the Undead and Sea Giants can close to killing you when you do this. When surrounded (by Liliths, for example) you are vulnerable on the counter attack, and those pesky Minotaurs can often hit you before you get your shield up, but other than that blocking makes you all but invulnerable, especially later in the games (with higher levels and better armour).

