Need help kicking Voinians

Does anyone have tips on killing Voinian ships with their "Beefed up" AI? I used to be able to stay just out of their range and they wouldn't shoot at me, so I could use my Phase Turrets and take them down with little or no damage, but that doesn't work anymore. Now when I jump into someplace with Voinian ships in it (a Frontier Express delivery to an outpost, or a UE "Destroy Voinian Warfleet" mission, for example) they kill me with their missles before I even get close enough to SEE them, let alone hit them.

(This message has been edited by voinians_suck! (edited 03-14-2001).)

Hmmm...When I updated to the newset version of Override, my favorite strategies still worked. The Voinians own the slowest ships of the game, so usually any guided weapon, even unguided, will likely hit a Voinian target. Can you be a little more detailed in the problems you're having besides the one you mentioned?

~Captain Skyblade

Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")


Originally posted by voinians_suck!:
Does anyone have tips on killing Voinian ships with their "Beefed up" AI? I used to be able to stay just out of their range and they wouldn't shoot, but that doesn't work anymore.


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I checked out skyblade's advice page. The Monty Python thing used to work, but when I bought the EVO/Mars Rising CD, it didn't anymore. They shoot anyway. And defense pods keep blowing up to early.

(This message has been edited by voinians_suck! (edited 03-14-2001).)

Killing Voinian ships? Say hello to an expert. 🙂

All right....first off, purchase a UE Cruiser. Max it out; purchase the Needle Jammer and use the Cloak Keep plug to attain the cloaking device. SELL the Hunter missiles, purchase 3 or 4 rocket launchers and a good amount of ammo. Head up to the Crescent, preferably Mira, and make some purchases. The speed upgrades are recommended, especially RCS. Purchase pursuit missiles instead of hunters; you can get 3 launchers for 10 tons more than it takes for 1 hunter launcher and gain the ability to launch missiles in rapid succession, allowing you to pound on a capital ship or pick off Voinian fighters.

Done the Paaren Station missions? Purchase dospect armor.

If you have any space left, do whatever you want with it. I suggest a mass expansion or 2 if you're having problems with getting enough space for the upgrades.

Important: DON'T use phase turrets on Voinians. Yes you can use monty python that way, but they are rotten against armor. When fighting Voinians I always outfit 5 blaze turrets.

If you got speed upgrades as I suggested, fighting the Voinian small fry shouldn't be a problem (the afterburner also helps btw, get a fuel scoop or two if you get it). You should be able to avoid their rockets and blow them away in seconds with your blaze turrets, and if you are up against many you can use pursuit missiles with deadly affect.

When fighting Voinian Warships, I like using a head-on approach. Specifically I charge straight for the opposing ship, continue until I'm a decent distance away, then hit him with BOTH blaze and rocket fire at the SAME TIME. You'll mow em' down easily that way, I guarentee it. Frigates will bow before you; I've destroyed well over half a dozen in one go this way. You can probably take out 2 Voinian Cruisers like that, 3 or 4 if you're good. When in doubt and/or out of ammo, don't be afraid to use your carried UE fighters to assist in your onslaught. BUT, assuming you held on to those rockets, you can easily board enemy Voinain fighters and capture their rockets for your use. IF you are careful to disable instead of destroying Voinian Heavy Fighters and interceptors, when you run low on munitions just manuver around the living enemy, board the fighters, and take their rockets. If you destroyed them quick you should always be able to get 6, 7, or even 8 rockets off each one.

If your shields get low and you still have rockets, get a good distance away from your target but make sure you're somewhat lined up and more or less staying in one place. Press "A" (or whatever the autopilot key is), then arm your rockets and let em' fly. If you do it right they should all connect, thus inflicting massive damage on your enemy.

Well, that's enough advice on that. 🙂 Want to kill Voinain ships? Get the Cruiser and do what I say. Simple as that, my friend!



(This message has been edited by UE Crusader (edited 03-14-2001).)

UE Crusader's strategies are good ones, but let's assume for a moment that you don't have the millions to buy all that stuff, and don't want to waste time making money that could be better spent blowing Voinians up. Solution? The best, most versatile, and cheapest mid-range ship in the galaxy: the Freight-courier. I can destroy fleets at a time with this thing when properly upgraded. First of all, get as many blaze weapons as you can. Hunter missiles are also good, but they're expensive and take up lots of space. I like to drop my secondary weapons and get a mass expansion and a Crescent fighter bay. Sure their phase weapons won't do much, but their continuous assault on their targets will add up, especially against fighters. Just make sure you send them at targets that are already mad at you, that way they will ignore the fighters and keep coming after you. The primary threat the Voinians pose is their potent rockets. Fortunately, they're unguided, so make repeated close passes to make them fire off and waste all their rockets, then engage the target. Strafing runs are fairly effective if you have speed upgrades. Put some distance between yourself and the target ship after each run to recharge your shields slightly. One more thing, remember not to be fooled if the ship's shields are down. I could probably dive bomb a Cruiser in a Krait and take out its shield before it killed me, it's the armor you have to worry about. If you look on the add-ons page, I think there's a plug-in that displays armor percentages, so you get an idea of how close they are to going down. Voinian ships disable at 10% armor.

The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.

Freight Courier? Heh, I've taken on the Voinians in one of those, but isn't too easy compaired to other ships. I think I would recommend the Arada and Lazira over the Freight Courier: Great shields, excellent speed, and properly upgraded and outfitted can be a firepower monster and speedy target (especially the Lazira). Just make sure (as said before) that you don't use phase weapons...That's like shooting at Voinians with toothpicks, they just won't hurt armor. If you can attain these ships and learn their best strategies, the Voinians should be a piece of cake. Then, if you are far enough into the game and have the proper funds, you can buy a UE Cruiser.

~Captain Skyblade

Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

The Freight-Courier is a worthy choice.....relatively cheap too at a million credit price tag. StarStrafer's advice is good, although it is always in your best interest to invest in pursuit missiles over hunters.

On an interesting note, get this. If you were to sell all the weapons off a Zidara and a Freight-Courier, the two ships would have at the least EQUAL weapons space...the Freight-Courier may even have 10 or 20 tons more, it was awhile ago since I looked into that. If you don't believe me, I'd be more than happy to show you the breakdown. Of course this doesn't count the Zidara's unsellable fighter bay, but the point is that, overall, the Freight-Courier gives you just as much weapon space to work with. The only shortcoming is the shielding, which you can remedy with dospect armor and/or other shield upgrades, such as generators and capicators.

There are certainly alternatives to the UE Cruiser, there are plenty of other ways to make a great ship. However, if you want the best weapon against the Voinians, the Cruiser (and my advice) is your pick. 🙂



(This message has been edited by UE Crusader (edited 03-15-2001).)

I always like to use an Igazra and just keep refitting it, although they
are sometimes hard to get.

If you give it some neutron cannons and blaze cannons, it can really do
some damage.

However, early on the UE ships are good if you are patient enough. Just use
a "spear" attack - go in, attack, move out to heal, with any UE military ship
other than the Carrier, and you should pull them down easily enough, if not

Remember, even in a UE Cruiser you should never go head on with any warship -
if you do it'll leave you low on shields against another one that could
hyperspace in.



Originally posted by Esponer:
**Remember, even in a UE Cruiser you should never go head on with any warship -
if you do it'll leave you low on shields against another one that could
hyperspace in.


The multitude of strategies posted on this topic will all work, you just have to find one that fits your style. I can take a Voinian Frigate in my maxed out UE Cruiser and lose half my shield at the most, just as a point of interest. But that's with four shield enhancers and LOTS of primary weapons. Anything short of that and you should take Esponer's advice. After all, the reason Voinians are so slow is to give you an advantage to exploit to help you deal with their powerful arsenals; the key to beating them is outmaneuvering them, not outgunning them.

The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.

Whats better, blaze or neutron turrets?

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner...
🙂 100 posts reached on 3/12/2001 scince late Feburary 🙂

Neutron turrets. They're more powerful and have a longer range, although they take up more space. If you've completed Paaren Station, you can get them in UE space.

The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.