Web Page Designer in need of some help!

Alright I've had an EVO website made for about a year(I did it for school). I never actually uploaded it however and just recently dug it out of mailbox. I've decided to revitalize it, it is fairly good and has a lot of information I just need to give it some advanced features. I need some one(s) who can look at what I have and give me some ideas and constructive critism then I'll put it on the net. So if anyone is interested in helping me, email me at evo_dragon@hotmail.com and I'll send you some of what I got. Thanks in advance!!



I'm a fairly experianced webmaster, send it on over and I'll be happy to give it a look.

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner...
🙂 100 posts reached on 3/12/2001 scince late Feburary 🙂

I'll be glad to help ya. I have a couple of web sites.

oh, and by the way, spell since right!^

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

I'd be glad to give some input. I have some webmaster experience. I had a pretty decent multimedia site until Xoom was annihilated in NBCi's corporate takeover. I am also finnicky about spelling and grammar, so I'll probably end up proofreading as well (just a warning). My email address is cpholness@mac.com if you'd like to send me some stuff.


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Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

I've looked it over, and its a good site. Good layout and lots of useful info. A couple things though. You may want more than just the 2 colors for the text. Also the times new roman font as a heading doesn't work too well, I'd suggest helvetica of courier/courier new instead. Other than that, good job!

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner...
🙂 100 posts reached on 3/12/2001 scince late Feburary 🙂


Originally posted by WarBeast:
**I've looked it over, and its a good site. Good layout and lots of useful info. A couple things though. You may want more than just the 2 colors for the text. Also the times new roman font as a heading doesn't work too well, I'd suggest helvetica of courier/courier new instead. Other than that, good job!


Ya I'm going to have to change the text color, it pretty much kills the eyes after reading it for a while. Anyone know where to download and how to use a counter? Also what do you think of making some frames for the tech page?



I'm going to upload it to a web site then I can get comments from a larger group. I figure it will be especially good for newbies so I'll need to get it linked in the Ambrosia web site.




Posted by Dragon:

Ya I'm going to have to change the text color, it pretty much kills the eyes after reading it for a while. Anyone know where to download and how to use a counter?

Not too sure, but try thecounter.com. I hear its pretty good......


The service I use for counters is (url="http://"http://www.bravenet.com")www.bravenet.com(/url) ... They have guestbooks, polls, and other stuff too. Great service, and rarely down. 🙂

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)!
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Originally posted by shayborg:
**The service I use for counters is www.bravenet.com ... They have guestbooks, polls, and other stuff too. Great service, and rarely down.:)


Thanks you guys!
