Ace's Guide To: "Fighter or Cruiser?"

No my friend! "Atta Boy! Thats the way to do it!" was a compliment! You didn't rant, you discussed, debated, shared, everything i said was good! i recommend you re-read your post.

Ace Battlepilot
<mercenary for hire>
"My contract is simple. Give me a Miranu Gunship, give me upgrade funds, and turn this mad dog loose, cus once I'm let out, there's no hope for you..."

You all seem to blabbing on about which ship is better with which upgrades, and it's just slightly annoying. If what you say about your ships, the upgrades and so on, is true, than I will say right now that I'd be no match at all for any of those ships in my Freight-Courier, even though I probably would be able to make some nasty blows to that 'invincible' Voinian Cruiser of Giule's. And I agree on what Stud said earlier, about Giule should read some stuff from 'moments of pride and accomplishment'. Having multiplayer battles in EV and EV:O would be quite fun. They should add something like a multiplayer via modem connection, or possibly something like the Blizzard™ Battle.Net™ system, which is where any user with internet access can go online, register an account, and chat and play games. Another thing: I don't fly a fighter or a cruiser. I fly (as I said earlier) a heavily modified Freight-Courier, which I have won several tough battles in as of late. Though I used to fly an upgraded Zidara, which is between fighter and cruiser basically, and I could take on all enemy fighters and nearly any enemy cruiser, one which does include a Voinian Cruiser. Now, it's not like I'm trying to say that my ship is better than any of your ships, but from what I hear I'd say our ships are about equal.

P.S. Does anyone here other than me hate hostile atmospheres, or what would be a hostile astmosphere if it were taking place in a spaceport bar.

Aluben: "This is a
Freight-Courier we're
flying! We can take on a
Turncoat easily!"

If you ask me, the Freight-Courier is the human version of the Arada. I used to fly one as well, for quite a long time too. It can be a good fighter, and it has room for good cargo runs. You just have to know when to pull out of a battle, and recharge your shields, and when to strike your enemy, in the FC, knowing those two things can mean the difference between life and death. I know this goes for ALL ships, but the FC is basically a mini-warship, and some pilots underestimate it, and overestimate it.

I wouldn't be surprised if your FC is able to take out a VC. It may take a LONG time, but I'll bet if you make the right strikes, and make the right retreats, you could pull it off quite a few times. 🙂

- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation

Thank you for the encouragement Stud. But I have a question for you: Whats the E in A.E.S. Firebird for? Just curious :). BTW, has anyone here even tried Battle.Net? It's pretty good for any Blizzard game out there.

Aluben: "This is a
Freight-Courier we're
flying! We can take on a
Turncoat easily!"

In my opinion, cruisers are better. Sure, a fighter has its strong points. Speed, manuevering and such. But I fly a Crescent Warship. I took out the fighter bay and the fighters. I then took out the phase turrets and replaced those with neutron turrets. I then put in three SAD Launchers and as many SAD Modules that I could. My ship, the U.E.S. Devastator, has taken on four CW and their fighters and won. This is the combination I like. I rarely use my SAD's. I use the monty python manuever and I go head to head when they are down to armour. Fighters are great in groups, but they suck singularly.

"The heathens are upon us, arm yourselves and go with God."-Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet

For both Starcraft and Diablo II, I use, and i think it would be perfect for EV. I'm sorry that type of thing won't be done. It would have been great.

Well it seems everyone is giving their imput, i will to. I use a Miranu Gunship. I consider it the best in the game, but that is my opinion. It is fast, especially when enhanced with acceleration and turn upgrades. Afterburners and extra fuel tanks insure that i will be able to escape. I am a big fan of phase, so i will arm it with 3 phase turrets and 3 swivel phase cannons. As for "other" weaponry, I use dispersal (dispy) rockets and if i have any extra room left, I tack on some pursuit missiles.

Ace Battlepilot
<mercenary for hire>
"My contract is simple. Give me a Miranu Gunship, give me upgrade funds, and turn this mad dog loose, cus once I'm let out, there's no hope for you..."

(This message has been edited by Ace Battlepilot (edited 03-07-2001).)

Aluden (sp?) - A.E.S. stands for Azdgari Earth Ship. I work for the UE, and the Azdgari, so I thought I would include both races into one prefix. 🙂 I work for Zacha too, but I think A.E.Z.S. is too long of a prefix.

Ace Battlepilot - I've been tempted to try out the Miranu Gunship, it doesn't look like a bad ship at all. Infact, its one of those "inbetween" ships, like the Arada and Freight-Courier. It can be used as a warship, but can handle cargo runs just as well. Though personally, I'm not a big fan of SAD/E Modules.

Also, the idea is not bad at all for EV/O! I would LOVE to see something like that happen, so then all these challenges, and ideas, and stuff could be seen, and played out, and all that cool stuff. I don't think it would work however, as the universe is quite big, and it would be hard for 2 people to play. Also, how would you get missions to work? Ambrosia would have to make a type of multiplayer pilot where the missions don't save, or something like that. Kind of like with Diablo on

- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation

(This message has been edited by Stud Beefpile (edited 03-07-2001).)

I've changed my mind on this:my opinion is fighter. I now fly a Crescent Fighter called the S.S. White Lighting, and I can circle around enemy ships; Aradas in particular, firing my phase cannons while staying behind the Arada without taking damage. And any damage I do take is plactially immediately regenerated due to my shield generators I have. I also fitted 1 RCS Upgrade making my turns better, and had enough room for a dispy. rocket launcher and 11 rockets. I can take anything you can throw at me and rip it to shreds!!

Aluben: "The question is, should I blow this guy up with rockets or cannons?"

Giule, you forgot the prime aspect, the deciding factor of all ships, the final verdict...


The UE Carrier has one hell of a blindspot in it's middle, which any fighter can exploit. The Igazra's nose sticks out from it's turrent position.. The Voinian Dreadnaught's aft and bow is vulnerable.. The Voinian Cruiser's turrent positions are too far back, leaving it with the problem of the Igazra..

Size is nothing, the design of the ship is everything..

The Arada, so simple, yet so deadly.. Look at what the Zachit did with it! They took that little innocent merchant vessal and turned it into a frickin hell-raiser!! And what about when the Azdgari planted their technology in it? Youch!! And I remember in the plug-in Advance, the Zidagar Arada.. I think they ought to consider that little beauty, cause it was a nice little scraper.

Let's go back to the Zacha.. look what they did with the crescent fighter.. Took a nearly useless ship and turned it into the devil of the stars! Was that size? NO. It was design.

I would like to see you get taken down by these crafty fighter pilots here, for I would be smart enough not to pick a fight with the patrons here.. Oh? My ship? A UE Cruiser, who's flaw is it's easy-to-hit rear end.

Hi! I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
I'm big, mad, strong, and Hinwar! I yell 'LONG LIVE THE UE!', but I smash vikimadegie lovers every chance I get!
Cause I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
I'm always making the mods mad doing something or another, but I'll never learn! I'll never turn! Look at my karma!


Originally posted by Stud Beefpile:
**...I don't think it would work however, as the universe is quite big, and it would be hard for 2 people to play. Also, how would you get missions to work? Ambrosia would have to make a type of multiplayer pilot where the missions don't save, or something like that. Kind of like with Diablo on


Well as long as it's being discussed, i'll chip in.
In diablo II, each person has a save file. When you create a game, it is like playing your own saved game, working off your progress. When you join a game, it would be like joining into someone elses saved game, working off what they've done. You would appear at the planet you last saved at. That's how it would work. Anyway, back to the topic... ::flies off::

Ace Battlepilot
<mercenary for hire>
"My contract is simple. Give me a Miranu Gunship, give me upgrade funds, and turn this mad dog loose, cus once I'm let out, there's no hope for you..."

First things first- Stud- No, I meant for capturing escorts.

And please everyone read the topic moments of Pride and Accomplishment, there are stories of people beating Voinian Crusiers (plural) and Frigate with a UE Destroyer ;). A lot of people there have Aradas becuase they are damn good ships. Anything is a damn good ship (even the UE Frieghter) if you have a good pilot and the right oufits!

Ace Battlepilot is right, this isn't a "my ship is better than yours", this is a Guide to Fighters and Crusiers.

I've been taking a neutral stand, but now I like fighters better. Why do UE captains fear the Voinian Crusier? The fighters it carries. A UE Destroyer can almost beat a Voinian Crusier if it doesn't have its fighters. I fear Cresent Warships and Azdgari Warships in my Arada because of thier fighters that move so fast I can't get a target. To have a good warship, you must a have fighters. The UE Carrier sucks without its fighters. Behind every good warships is a good fighter.

Again- the pilot and the outfits are the key to a good ship, not it's big guns or speed. A Miranu Heavy Frieghter can take out a Voinain Crusier if it wanted to!

The only good Voinian is a dead Voinian.
- Visit my Website: (url="http://"")EVO Info(/url)

(This message has been edited by DeadMan (edited 03-08-2001).)

Right, here is my final opinion on what makes a really good combat ship.

The Art of War - plagerised by GWG

1 Firepower - the ability to deliver shots (and sometimes ordinance) to the target.
2 Shields - the ship must be able to withstand two/three rocket hits and some turret fire withoiut dying.
3 Speed (and acceleration/manouverability) - the ship must be able to outrun anything but a few fighters (Azdara, Crescent Fighter+Varients).
4 Recharge Rate - this must be respectable (Aggy upgrades help).

The theory is that you can make hit and run attacks on big scary ships (like cruisers) while taking a few hits from them. This is where shields are important (ie the Krait, which meets requirements 1, 3 and 4 is still pants). Also you need a few guns (how are ou going to kill anything without them?). I like swival phase cannons for this cause they will track the target for me. After your pass on the enemy you need to wait and recharge your shields hence the 4th requirement. Given time you should be able to take don anything. Obviously if the cruiser comes t get you while you are recharging you must be able to run from it - requirement 3. Problems may arise if some fighters chase you but you will either be faster or tougher than them (dependt if you fly a heavy (eg Arada) or light (eg Crescent/Azdara) fighter

Under these criteria I would go or an Arada or an Azdara (never tries the latter - any good? Lots of peopl say so but it looks kinda small for some missions requiring cargo). The Arada on the other hand has the cargo space. An interesting battle would be an Arada vs an Aggy Warship - hmm 6 Azdaras, could be tough. Even an Arada vs an Azdara would be cool.

Anyway to conclude I would rate the Zachit or Aggy Arada the best, unmodified ship in the game and any Arada or an Azdara the best ship, period.

Non est ad astra mollis e terris via.

You all need to figure one thing out, its not if one type of ship is better or not, its the fact that a human is better then AI. We can preform new tatics on the spot, the EVO AI dosen't get better as we fight, no way, in fact the human player will always have the advantage (exception: Matrix) So there is no point in debating whos got the better ship. I have taken down a Voinian Frigate in a Kriat, all you need is an experimental generator and presistance, along with 999 needles (basically just to keep their armor from rising while you are away.) And fear not, I have upgraded ever vessel in the game to make it a deadly weapon of war. So if you are going to debate, use you imagination and consider what it would be like IF the Voinians or whoever actually DID get smarter as you do.



(url="http://"")Doing the Right Thing(/url) | (url="http://"") Rudy Stocks(/url)

"A terrible darkness has fallen upon us, but we must not surrender to it. We shall lift lamps of courage and find our way through to the morning."
-Member of Emalgha Resistance

This is the perfect excuse to refer everyone to my ship descriptions at (url="http://""), in the (url="http://"")shipyard(/url). They contain detailed commentary on every one of the ships, and, in many cases, side-by-side comparisons with other similar ships. 🙂 </plug>

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
"When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean–neither more nor less."–Humpty Dumpty, Through the Looking-Glass , Lewis Carroll

I agree with Patton. We get smarter as we play the game, but the AI doesn't. And another thing: about GWG's four requirements thing, I would a good ship is the Zidara. Good speed (requirement 3), moderate shields (requirement 2), good firepower (requirement 1), as well as decent shield recharge for a ship of its class. Currently I fly a Crescent Fighter, equipped with 4 swivel phase cannons, 1 DR launcher, 11 dispy. rockets, a turn upgrade, and some shield generators, making it just about invincible. Maybe I'll get an Arada for my next ship......

Aluben: "The question is, should I blow this guy up with rockets or cannons?"

I normally perfer fighters over capital vessels for their speed. If you have speed, you can get away from most (if all) weapons and ships. I find slow, sluggish ships to be quite an annoying handicap...

~Captain Skyblade

Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

I agree with a lot of you. But I still think a fighter is the best. In my Arada vs. an Azdgari Warship, my Arada went down becuase fo the fighters. Otherwise I would have been fine. Still, the pilot and the oufits make the ship.

Behind every good warship there is a fighter
- Visit my Website: (url="http://"")EVO Info(/url)

My enhanced Azdgari arada can stand toe to toe with an Igazra and win. It can't do this with a voinian ship because evertime I get hit by a rocket it throws me back out of the engagement. Also,I think once I am past 120 degrees per second turnng I gets hard to control a ship. This is a personal opinion though. If you are in a fighter do you in general turn the speed down. Just wondering?

- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation

(This message has been edited by Stud Beefpile (edited 03-09-2001).)

My personal feelings are that while fighters are fun there is only one that can take a good cruiser pilot. Let's not talk about AI because that is not a good test. The azdara is the only good fighter because it can take on a Igazra for instance and win. No other fighter can do that. I MEAN PLAYER NOT AI SHIPS!!! Again, if someone attacked me with their arada I would launch full batteries of pursuit missiles and easily destroy it. If it hid behind asteroids you move towards it until it is forced to move. You would have no chance because of secondaries which the fighter just don't have room for. This is why the cruisers will always win.

Harry Rules!
Look on the bright side of life!
Great game, gotta check it out!(url="http://"")--20--(/url)