Chronicle posting

I submited a short story for the chronicles about a week ago and i have a question. How long does it take for the story to get posted if it is good and if you tell people if doesn't work. I just wanted to know if im getting on it or not


"People are idiots, stick with machines"

Vive Le Resistance

it will prolly take a while cause theres a backlog cos people only send in one chapter at a time. Well thats what i got told...

OOh, arrr! It's Ambrosia(aar)!!!

I posted this on the EV board, too, maybe it will help...


There's a backlog on the Chronicles right now. I submitted a story around Christmas time, and it just got posted recently. When your story is put up, you'll get an e-mail notification.


I don't use the Chronicles as a place to publish stories, and to be honest I don't understand why anybody else does. Why not get some free web space and create a site to display your stories? You'll have complete control; the ability to add chapters as and when you finish them, to correct typos when you notice them, to use HTML hyperlinks to create interactive stories, to add pictures... the possibilities are endless. Just post your work up and then lob a message up on this board inviting people to visit the site.

A second option might be to submit your work to one of the independent sites that host EV:O stories, such as Gyrbs' place ( (url="http://"") . I did this once, and Grybs did an excellent job of typesetting the story.

Or you can use the Chronicles. Submit your work to a place where it will be drowned out by a mass of other stories, some of them (sorry to say) of quite low quality. And wait months before they appear. Sure, those moderator/editors are busy people, but it can't be denied that they are an avoidable bottleneck.

I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma. (url="http://"")New & Improved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
I got this .sig file at - don't even think about taunting me!


Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:
**I don't use the Chronicles as a place to publish stories, and to be honest I don't understand why anybody else does. Why not get some free web space and create a site to display your stories? You'll have complete control; the ability to add chapters as and when you finish them, to correct typos when you notice them, to use HTML hyperlinks to create interactive stories, to add pictures... the possibilities are endless. Just post your work up and then lob a message up on this board inviting people to visit the site.

A second option might be to submit your work to one of the independent sites that host EV:O stories, such as Gyrbs' place ( . I did this once, and Grybs did an excellent job of typesetting the story.

Or you can use the Chronicles. Submit your work to a place where it will be drowned out by a mass of other stories, some of them (sorry to say) of quite low quality. And wait months before they appear. Sure, those moderator/editors are busy people, but it can't be denied that they are an avoidable bottleneck.**

I have already done this with my own story, (url="http://"")The Omega Conspiracy(/url). The problem is that, even if you do post a message somewhere telling people about it, many people are still not going to see it. The EV/EVO Chronicles will get more views than any other place you can put them. If you want it to be seen by a lot of people, the Chronicles is the place to put it.



Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:
**Sure, those moderator/editors are busy people, but it can't be denied that they are an avoidable bottleneck.


How often to I have to repeat this!!! It is not because I am too busy that the Chronicles are backed up. It is because a lot of people are submitting a lot of stories (which should be a good thing). I am trying to be fair to everyone by leaving each story up for about 3 days before changing the feature story. Now, there is no way I can clear up the backlog and still give each story a chance in the limelight. If you choose not to post your storiies there, so be it.

One thing that can help with the backlog if for people to submit several chapters of their stories at a time (together--for example: My Story, Parts 1-4).


The Mac Gaming Bboard:

I suppose the best thing to do is to post your story to the Chronicles AND have your own site for it, where you can invite friends to a preview before it goes up on the Ambrosia boards, and experiment with page layouts, adding graphics etc.

I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma. (url="http://"")New & Improved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
I got this .sig file at - don't even think about taunting me!