S.S Blisters and more

Hey all, I currently have a Freight Courier(it *** i know) but am working on the Igadzra mission string and am hoping to be able to buy the Igazra ship. Right now my mission is to test on the Plasma Siphon by destroying the S.S Blisters which is an Azdgari crescent warship. What's the best way to do this? I'm really kinda stuck cause my ship sux too, 3 Blaze Turrets, and a hunter missile launcher is all i've got. How long do u have to go on with the Igadzra mission before u can get the Igazra? Also, a question on the Admiral Mcphereson mission string, i did the whole defector deal but where does the string pick up again? Thanks...


(Please watch your language or I will drop your karma--Jude)

(This message has been edited by Jude (edited 03-02-2001).)

Can't help with the Igadzra string, but with the Defector string. After you take him to luna you should have been offered to take cargo to Paaren Station. More Paaren Station missions will appear in the mission computer. These deliveries will eventually lead to other missions.

I was referring to the second defector mission where u have to bring the defector to knox and then destroy some voinians in the chorca system. Where does the string pick up after that?



Originally posted by shortycguy15:
**Right now my mission is to test on the Plasma Siphon by destroying the S.S Blisters which is an Azdgari crescent warship. What's the best way to do this? I'm really kinda stuck cause my ship sux too, 3 Blaze Turrets, and a hunter missile launcher is all i've got. How long do u have to go on with the Igadzra mission before u can get the Igazra?

Hmm... I'd have to say that my preferred way to do this would be to get a Lazira, max out the phase turrets, get four shield enhancers, and upgrade the speed, accel, and turning. With your current configuration, I'd say sell the blazes and replace them with phase cannons. You should also max out on hunters to kill those pesty fighters. 🙂 Also, an afterburner can REALLY help.

I beleive that you can get the Igazra after you complete this mission.

"In a world without fences, who needs Gates?"
-Scott McNealy

You get the Igazra wen you complete the Igadzra mssion string.

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

iMox, you're forgetting he's TESTING the plasma siphon, meaning he has it. From my experience with the Igadzra on an old pilot, the PS is quite effective at holding those Azdaras at bay, and when combined with Phase Weaponry, it's a lethal combination to take out Azdaras. The CW may take a little more time.

- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation

Boy, it's hard to complete that mission in a good ship, much less in a Freight Courier. You're always immediately swarmed by the A.S.S. Blister's fighters, which can take you out very fast with there combined lethel firepower. You need something fast, powerful, and strong...That's all I can say.

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)


Originally posted by Stud Beefpile:
**iMox, you're forgetting he's TESTING the plasma siphon, meaning he has it. From my experience with the Igadzra on an old pilot, the PS is quite effective at holding those Azdaras at bay, and when combined with Phase Weaponry, it's a lethal combination to take out Azdaras. The CW may take a little more time.


Yes; I know that, but I don't think that the Freight Courier has the shielding or armor to withstand attacks from Azdaras.

"In a world without fences, who needs Gates?"
-Scott McNealy


Originally posted by iMox:
**Yes; I know that, but I don't think that the Freight Courier has the shielding or armor to withstand attacks from Azdaras.


Really, no ship can get away from a Azdara (atleast in numbers) without taking some major damage. They are just too fast, and their shields regenerate in no time.

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)

And their speed with their AI infinite afterburners (wish I had one of those) installed is really about 962 vs. 550. Yikes! You may be lucky, though. The mission related enemy ships might not use afterburners. I'm not sure.

For the UE strings, try heading to New Taranto. See what's up in the bar. Also, if you haven't met the Hinwar, do the Emalgha string, then hang out in the Ghammol Station bar in the new system of Romit. You'll eventually get further Voinian Offense missions.

The ones we love and the life we grow from

(This message has been edited by Miyun (edited 03-01-2001).)

Be warned, Shorty, that getting permission to buy an Iggy warship is not the same as being given one. You'll need fifteen million credits for that baby! Since you're flying around in a Freight-courier, I assume that money is tight. (It's one of the best human ships, but it is a human ship...)
I suggest you finish off that defector business and maybe do the people of Huron a good turn before you try to get too involved in the Strand War. That way, you'll have a little more money to spare, and perhaps a bigger ship.

I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma. (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evodude2001/home.html")New & Improved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
I got this .sig file at insanely_great.com - don't even think about taunting me!

where is the ss blisters and what is the ghammol station. ive only taken the guy to emalgha, how do you do the rest



by grunadulater:
where is the ss blisters and what is the ghammol station. I've only taken the guy to emalgha, how do you do the rest

I forget where the A.S.S. Blisters is.

As for Ghammol Station, you have to establish contact between UE and Emalgha. Once you've done that, I think you will eventually get a joint UE / Emalgha offensive against the Voinians. If all goes well, the Romit system will be taken over by the Emalgha. The newly commandeered station in the Romit system will be called Ghammol Station.

A long time after I finished that mission string, I returned to Ghammol Station. An alien called a Hinwar then approached me in the Ghammol Station bar and asked me to help free his people.

The ones we love and the life we grow from

(This message has been edited by Miyun (edited 03-01-2001).)

Just to let u guys know i did somehow manage to destroy the S.S. Blisters with my puny freight courier. Thanks for the help! I replaced my blazes with phase turrets and upgraded my turning and acceleration. Now i'm flying an Igazra, but i'm money tight so i'm sticking with renegade and zachit bounty hunting/escort missions. What should i do once i've gotten my ship the Mutalisk fully upgraded? I was thinking of completing the azdgari mission string, but how would i go about doing that?



Originally posted by shortycguy15:
**Just to let u guys know i did somehow manage to destroy the S.S. Blisters with my puny freight courier. Thanks for the help! I replaced my blazes with phase turrets and upgraded my turning and acceleration. Now i'm flying an Igazra, but i'm money tight so i'm sticking with renegade and zachit bounty hunting/escort missions. What should i do once i've gotten my ship the Mutalisk fully upgraded? I was thinking of completing the azdgari mission string, but how would i go about doing that?


How on earth were you able to destroy the wave of Azdara fighters from the "A.S.S. Blisters?" They usually cut me to shreds, even in ships much better then a Freight Courior. Anyway, I congratulate you in your success...Not many can beat an Azdgari Warship in a Freight Courior. 🙂

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)