Kirrim Prime missions

I have the Kirrim Prime mission currently where you have to find the missing cargo on its way to Kirrim Prime. Anyone know where it is exactly?

"Never think you've seen the last of anything."

Two jumps below Priat if my memory serves.

FLOBBLEDEEFEE, that's what we said when we were mad or frustrated, we said it because we were idiots. A bunch of inbred, illiterate, cro-magnons, blowin' our noses on crusty handkerchiefs, waiting in line for our heads to burst into flames. That's the way it was, and we liked it!
-Signed, A Grumpy Old Man

Thanks a lot!

"Never think you've seen the last of anything."

It's in one of the following systems: Holmm, DSN-4533, DSN-8619
They're right bellow Zanat (the fuel station) and Priat (the tech. station).

'89 Macintosh= Windows 98
The Microsoft Corp= A Solitaire Game
--From A Real UE Supporter--The Truth Is Out There.
You know the best is out there, just don't ignore it.

I have looked all over everywhere suggested. I cant find it
