Having problems

I recently started playing EVO again and I'm having some problems with it. The problem is.. I can't fire! I've been playing the Star Wars plug the whole time so I'm not sure if its the same on others. My turrets don't fire, I don't have any forward guns so I don't know about those. I've done everything right for turrets to fire but they aren't. The enemies (Z-95s) can fire on me, but I can't fire. Not even secondary weapons work. Please help. Thanks.


EVO is not a matter of life and death, it's more important than that.


Originally posted by SithCouncil:
**I recently started playing EVO again and I'm having some problems with it. The problem is.. I can't fire! I've been playing the Star Wars plug the whole time so I'm not sure if its the same on others. My turrets don't fire, I don't have any forward guns so I don't know about those. I've done everything right for turrets to fire but they aren't. The enemies (Z-95s) can fire on me, but I can't fire. Not even secondary weapons work. Please help. Thanks.



You're having the exact same problems I have. Whenever I play the Star Wars plugin, my guns stop working, and even other ships fighting each other can't destroy one another because their weapons don't fire. I've tried looking for fixes, but no success. So basically, I have never really been able to play the plugin. :frown: Sorry I couldn't give you much help!

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)

Its kind of strange though because it used to work just fine. And now it doesn't. I think my friend played it last and it worked.. maybe he did something hehe. Well I hope something comes through on it because I liked that plug.

EVO is not a matter of life and death, it's more important than that.

I'm not familiar with this plug-in. Sorry! 🙂

'89 Macintosh= Windows 98
The Microsoft Corp= A Solitaire Game
--From A Real UE Supporter--The Truth Is Out There.
Long Live The UE!~


Originally posted by SithCouncil:
**Its kind of strange though because it used to work just fine. And now it doesn't. I think my friend played it last and it worked.. maybe he did something hehe. Well I hope something comes through on it because I liked that plug.


Yeap, same here. All the weapons used to work fine, and one by one, they began to stop, till finally only the torpedo and concussion missile were working, then everything stopped altogether. I just had to stop using the plug. :frown:

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)

Maybe it has something to do with version 1.02 of override. I bet you could fix the whole problem just by opening up the plug in some editing program and changing the 'Turret YOff' settings of all the ships. That's how I fixed the blind spot on the zidara.



Originally posted by wes:
**Maybe it has something to do with version 1.02 of override. I bet you could fix the whole problem just by opening up the plug in some editing program and changing the 'Turret YOff' settings of all the ships. That's how I fixed the blind spot on the zidara.


Hmmm...Really? I'll have to keep that in mind. I've been dying to play the Star Wars plugin. 🙂

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)

Hmm...........I have the SW plugin and my grandparents' house and it works just fine. Haven't had any problems. Except maybe......taking over the Imperial Capitol. 😉

If you knew my precise record on my game you'd think I'm an Azdgari, but I'm not. Just the commander of a small mercenary fleet that favors the Azdgari. Ships include: 3 Aradas including my own, 2 CW's, and 2 Laziras.


Originally posted by ESPilot:
**Hmm...........I have the SW plugin and my grandparents' house and it works just fine. Haven't had any problems. Except maybe......taking over the Imperial Capitol.;)


LOL!!! Well, I can understand not being able to take over the Imperial capital. 🙂 Well, I could try what Wes mentioned about the turrets, but then again, it is ALL the weapons that are messing up, so that might only fix the turrets. I guess the best thing to do is use an older version of EVO to get Star Wars to work correctly.

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)

(This message has been edited by Captain Skyblade (edited 02-21-2001).)


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**LOL!!! Well, I can understand not being able to take over the Imperial capital.:) Well, I could try what Wes mentioned about the turrets, but then again, it is ALL the weapons that are messing up, so that might only fix the turrets. I guess the best thing to do is use an older version of EVO to get Star Wars to work correctly.

~Captain Skyblade**

Guys listen a minute and tell me if anyone else a has got this to work. If you beg, borrow or steal ANY ship with a TIE bay and fit it with about 36 TIEs then launch them all I find that any planet - Imperial capital included - launches one ship. OK a Star Destroyer is tough but its only one and if you blast it thats you dominate the planet. Granted if your guns don't work blasting is going to be a problem. I foud all my turrets had blind spots fore and art so I ended up having to broadside the enemy.

Non est ad astra mollis e terris via.


Originally posted by Great White Godfather:
**Guys listen a minute and tell me if anyone else a has got this to work. If you beg, borrow or steal ANY ship with a TIE bay and fit it with about 36 TIEs then launch them all I find that any planet - Imperial capital included - launches one ship. OK a Star Destroyer is tough but its only one and if you blast it thats you dominate the planet. Granted if your guns don't work blasting is going to be a problem. I foud all my turrets had blind spots fore and art so I ended up having to broadside the enemy.


That's what I had to do in my Corellian Freighter for awhile. Broadside them with turret fire. Notwthe guns don't work whatsoever. I can't even do that anymore... :frown:

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)


Originally posted by Great White Godfather:
**Guys listen a minute and tell me if anyone else a has got this to work. If you beg, borrow or steal ANY ship with a TIE bay and fit it with about 36 TIEs then launch them all I find that any planet - Imperial capital included - launches one ship. OK a Star Destroyer is tough but its only one and if you blast it thats you dominate the planet. Granted if your guns don't work blasting is going to be a problem. I foud all my turrets had blind spots fore and art so I ended up having to broadside the enemy.


That's what I had to do in my Corellian Freighter for awhile. Broadside them with turret fire. Now the guns don't work whatsoever. I can't even do that anymore... :frown:

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)


Originally posted by Great White Godfather:
**Guys listen a minute and tell me if anyone else a has got this to work. If you beg, borrow or steal ANY ship with a TIE bay and fit it with about 36 TIEs then launch them all I find that any planet - Imperial capital included - launches one ship. OK a Star Destroyer is tough but its only one and if you blast it thats you dominate the planet. Granted if your guns don't work blasting is going to be a problem. I foud all my turrets had blind spots fore and art so I ended up having to broadside the enemy.


That is the easiest way to dominate a planet. If you look in the manual or in the EV/O bible one of the constants is the possible number of ships in a system. I think 36 was it. I think that what you said was recorded in an old EV documentation that had easter egss, tips, cheats(though they weren't really cheats). Tips like using a kestrel to make money(disable lightnings board them - put them in your bay - and sell for an easy mil) or another thing was that if you have a sec weapon(for example the neutron cannon - or whatever its called. I haven't played EV for a while) selected and you sell it you can still use it as long as you don't change sec weapons. Of course, like I said, this is from an old documentation and I'm not sure if they still work..


I think I remember having this same problem happen to EV and or EVO even w/out the SW plug. It doesn't happen anymore though. I've certainly had my primary and secondary weapons stop working (as well as all AI ships too), while playing the SW plug. After some amount of time or reloading the game, everything was fine. The only thing is, is that I've yet to try the SW plug on EVO 1.0.2, just 1.0.1. According to these posts, the problem seems permanent in the updated version. I might try and see.

Hope someone can remedy the problem 🙂

the ones we love and the life we grow from


Originally posted by J.Ace21:
**Tips like using a kestrel to make money(disable lightnings board them - put them in your bay - and sell for an easy mil)

I love that trick. Not a cheat in my book. 😉

I think I might try downloading the star wars plug, as you all seem to have high opinions of it. I'll see if I have any problems.


I have had a similar problem. I just bought a new ship, and maxed everything out. This was my first fighter, so I imediatly left to pick a fight. I got blown up very quickly because NONE of my primary or secondary weapons worked, although the sounds play when I try. I havent been able to get the monline since.

On a related note, several times I''ve entered a system to find a Tie and an X-wing, or a similar pair of fighters, flying back and forth, apparantly trying to dogfight each other, with no weapons working. Once, as I was leaving the system, I saw a pair of streems of fire, what youi would expect from a pair of enemy fighters, coming from nowhere. I went back and forth between the fighters and the shooting to be sure that th weapons were actually offset from the ships by quite a distance.

Has anyone seen anything like this?




Originally posted by jspoon:
**I have had a similar problem. I just bought a new ship, and maxed everything out. This was my first fighter, so I imediatly left to pick a fight. I got blown up very quickly because NONE of my primary or secondary weapons worked, although the sounds play when I try. I havent been able to get the monline since.

On a related note, several times I''ve entered a system to find a Tie and an X-wing, or a similar pair of fighters, flying back and forth, apparantly trying to dogfight each other, with no weapons working. Once, as I was leaving the system, I saw a pair of streems of fire, what youi would expect from a pair of enemy fighters, coming from nowhere. I went back and forth between the fighters and the shooting to be sure that th weapons were actually offset from the ships by quite a distance.

Has anyone seen anything like this?


That has something to do with memory. Try adding and adjusting EVO's memory a bit, and it should work. It happened to me once, but I fixed it by adding memory, like I just said.

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