Alternate Cloaking Device Uses

I was thinking back the other day to how much i used the cloaking device in Escape Velocity and how i never use it anymore. It was a masterpiece design! A device which allowed you to pass un-noticed through any territory. However, it would not let you fire any weapons while you were in it. IS THERE NO HUMANITY?!? Why can we not destroy things? Why can we not be invincible! How can we turn our seemingly overpraised cloaking device into a WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION?!?

The Answer?
Well read on for some simple instructions. Huzzah!

  1. Purchase a ship that has a lot of armor (voinian cruiser), or a ship with enough room to upgrade the armor. The ship must also be a carrier, IE, it must carry a lot of ships. Voinian or UE cruisers, crescent or captured azdgari warships work the best.
  2. Purchase as many fighters as you can. If you think a full krait bay would help, byu all means buy it.
  3. By as many stationary explosives as you can. Mines seem to be the only ones available. Load up on these.
  4. Sell as many guns as possible and load up instead on as many reliable seeking devices as you can, like SAEs, SADs, missiles, etc.
  5. Battle time!!! Heres the deal. Launch all of your fighters. WHile you are cloaked, you may not be able to fire weapons but you can control your fighters. Have them enter the battle. Now, begin to deploy your mines all around the battle. Drift towards the firefight as you deploy them so that they themselves drift towards the enemy. While your fighters are bugging the heck out of enemy ships, and your mines depleat their shields and armor like its paper, stay at a safe distance and continuously cloak and uncloak, firing missiles inbetween cloaks. In no time, with this technique, and practice, you will dominate any battlefield.

This has been an "Alternate Weapon Strategy" session with Ace Battlepilot, sponsered in part by viewers like you!

Ace Battlepilot

"My contract is simple. Give me a Miranu Gunship, upgrade funds, and turn this mad dog loose"

Hmmmm... Interesting. Good work!

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Interesting way of doing battle. Good Job!

Long live the UE!~

'89 Macintosh= Windows 98
The Microsoft Corp= A Solitaire Game
--From A Real UE Supporter--The Truth Is Out There.

If you have an Azdara w/ Dospect (Probably the only ship capable of the following) you can use the cloak to great effect in combat. Here's the deal:
() Hit-and-Fade: Exactly the way it sounds - cloak, get into position, uncloak, attack. Lather, rinse, repeat.
) Screw this, I'm outta here: Cloak. The opponent will leave if they don't have any other enemies to attack. Great for when you don't feel like fighting.
() Sit back and relax: Same as #2 but with escorts to do battle. Fun.
) Evade: Used to dodge guided weapons. Allow the projectile to come to you, then cloak and move out of the way. Allow the projectile to pass by before uncloaking. Use as necessary.

Those who are blinded by the light shall stumble in the darkness...
Visit the (url="http://"")EVO Discussion Area(/url) 'cause I told you to!
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Or you could use a heavily sheiled AND armoured ship, fight until your sheilds are alomost completely down, then cloak, and us the hit-and-fade tactics.
This works when demanding tribbute; get 6 escorts (preferably with fighters), demand tribute, and cloak. The planet's defense fleet will sit there, without moving and be destroyed, at no cost to you or your escorts. (a bit like what goomeister said).

Rome did not conquer its empire by holding meetings; they did it by killing everyone who opposed them.


Originally posted by Taylor:
**Interesting way of doing battle. Good Job!

Long live the UE!~

Nah, long live the Voinians!

But anyway, the only way a Cloaking Device effectively is if your ship has a lot of fuel. Otherwise, it's really hard to use them.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

With the enhanced arada + cloak + shield regen. + dospect: While you are cloaked your shields will regenerate to 100 percent. Then when you uncloak you will have full defences. If you watch your shield bar it will show that you have 0 shields. However when you uncloak you shields will be at 100 percent. You have to wait about 10 to 15 sec while cloaked for this to happen.