ATTN: Voinians, Igdzari and Renegades

I was going to do a "walk-though" section on my website for EVO. It will basically show each mission with a brief description and specific advise. However, I have never completely done the Voinian, Igdzari, or Renegade missions, so if anyone wants to help with these strings I would appreciate it. It should look something like this:

**Attack the Rock

This is the final mission in the Zatchit string , and in this mission you assult The Rock - a North Tip Renegade Base. You will be greeted with a nice army of 7(I'll have to check that number) Crecent Warships, which you will have to defeat. However, before you even get to the Crecent warships, you will be swarmed with 21 Crecent fighters, and surviving the swarm is one of the toughest parts of the mission. Although you will be given an escort, it won't amount to much There are a few ways you can do it.

1. Use a Voinian Frigate or Cruiser. You're armor will be almost impeterable to the Crecent Fighter's phase cannons.

2. If you still have you're cloaking device, cloak before they get to you. Then you can sneak up behind one, uncloak, blow it up before the others have enough reaction time to gang up on you, and then cloak again. This way, you can pick them off one by one if you have enough feul, and enough armor to still kill the CW's.

3. Get at least 3 Defence Pod Launchers and a ton of defence pods. Wait until several of the fighters pass under you're ship at the same time, and then drop the defence pods on them and watch them go boom. This tactic is also useful when you are being swarmed with Adzara's.**

Anyway, I hope I can get some help here.

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

(This message has been edited by 21st Century Digital Boy (edited 02-19-2001).)

Hmm...Interesting.......I've never thought of doing the Zachit missions.....And I also never knew that Defence Pods were so effective! Its simply amazing!!!! Even if they are that effective I wouldn't buy one since it would damage my pride as a warship captain (seeing as how the DP's are meant for freighters). I stick to my Neutron turrets and Pursuit Missiles which are just as effective.

May death plague the enemies of the Zidagar and Voinians!!

Oh and I would finish up the Voinian missions if my brother hadn't turned the UE Carrier into a supership thats nearly impossible to defeat. And don't even think about saying 'well just change it back' 'cus I can't remember how to make it work on ResEdit and the EV:O Ship Editor I downloaded dosen't even work (all I can do is make new ships, I can't access already exsisting ones).

May death plague the enemies of the Zidagar and Voinians!!

Renegades (human):

  1. Have an offender or worse legal status in the lothe system.
  2. Bribe them and land, go to the bar to receive your first mission.
  3. Go to Freeport (as described in your first mission)
  4. Take the mission, you will be told to kill a renegade ship called "Memnoch's Fury" or something of the like. It's location is random but it should be within 4-5 jumps of freeport.
  5. Take the next mission, you should be given some kind of assignment involving fighting the strandless renegades of the far south.
  6. After 1-3 (doesn't vary I just forget) missions of this nature; you should have to defend freeport, upon doing this you discover that Gorky was destroyed.
  7. You will be assigned to take the Captains of Freeport to the now deserted Gorky for a meeting with the Strandless Renegades.
  8. Return the Captains to Freeport and recieve payment for services rendered of around $1m.

GL getting the others. 🙂

Who am I? I am the darkness which lies within your soul. I lie between Good and Evil. I am the Dark Dragon Within. Fear Me.


Originally posted by ESPilot:
**Oh and I would finish up the Voinian missions if my brother hadn't turned the UE Carrier into a supership thats nearly impossible to defeat. And don't even think about saying 'well just change it back' 'cus I can't remember how to make it work on ResEdit and the EV:O Ship Editor I downloaded dosen't even work (all I can do is make new ships, I can't access already exsisting ones).

I'll e-mail it to you in plug form, so hopefully you can help me with this.

Thanks Dragon, but could you go into just a little more detain? I've heard that those are some pretty hard missions, so do you have any tips for specific missions?

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...


Originally posted by 21st Century Digital Boy:
**Get at least 3 Defence Pod Launchers and a ton of defence pods.


You can buy up to 8 defence pods (you're ultra powerful!), and they are not reserved for freighters, I mean I am not ashamed in doing this.

Y'a personne qui parle français ici?

I personally don't think you need 8, because that's way into overkill for fighters, and with warships they end up missing half the time. But maybe if you did it from an Igdzra or a CW you'd have better luck than doing it from a UE Cruiser.

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...