Turrets or guns only?

I thought at one point an update of EVO was supposed to fix this bug: if a ship carries 3 turrets and 3 guns EVO only lets the user have 3 turrets or guns, or a combination thereof. if someone knows about another version that will fix this, or a plug that will repair the problem i would sincerly appriate it.


Hey, I've had the same problem. I regret to say that I know of know patch to fix this bug. However, if you are even slightly used to the program EV-Edit 3.2.1, you can open Override Data 2. It is dirty work but it will help you a lot. You have to go to the list of outfits and heres whats going on. Each weapon has two check boxes. One says fixed gun. One says turret. That sets which list the weapon will detract from. However, each turret has both turret and fixed gun checked. This makes them detract from both limits. You have to open each turret and uncheck the fixed gun box. It is as easy as that. If, however, that is too hard, you are welcome to e-mail me and i would be glad to send you a fixed copy for a small fee 😄 just kidding, i'll do it anytime

Ace Battlepilot

"My contract is simple. Give me a Miranu Gunship, upgrade funds, and turn this mad dog loose"


Originally posted by UUBOO:
**I thought at one point an update of EVO was supposed to fix this bug: if a ship carries 3 turrets and 3 guns EVO only lets the user have 3 turrets or guns, or a combination thereof.

Actually, it's the other way around. Version 1.0.0 allowed you to go up to the maximum on turrets and guns... From version 1.0.1 onwards, each turreted weapon also counts towards the gun limitation. It's intentional, so even if there was going to be another version of EV:O it wouldn't feature the fix that you want.

There is a fixer plugin that allows you to carry, for example, three guns and three turrets on a Lazira (described in EV:0 1.0.2 as max guns 3, max turrets 3)... but since it allows the player to increase his weapon load while not modifying the equipment used by AI ships, I won't use it. It makes the game too easy.

I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma. (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evodude2001/home.html")New & Improved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
I got this .sig file at insanely_great.com - don't even think about taunting me!

thankyou for your replys. i am surprised to hear that they intentionally made that change, personally i think it is kinda foolish... i wonder why ambrosia made that decision. btw, few months back i heard rumors of EV3 on GameRanger, anyone know as to the reality of the situation?
