Cloaking and escorts

When you cloak, do escort ships cloak with you or do hostile ships attack them? Anyone know this off-hand? I'm asking because I'm trying to write missions for a upcoming EVO plug and it would be useful if escorts cloak with the player. Thanx for your help.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think that people don't attack your escorts when you are cloaked. If they are your own carried fighters or hired escorts, I am pretty sure enemies don't attack them when you are cloaked. However, if you are escorting someone and you cloak, enemies will attack the ship.
I think that's all true...

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It´s true what Battledoctor say. When you cloak your ships cloak with you. Ot not really cloak, beacuse they will still attack the enemies, who will sometimes fight back

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See, AI ships go after you, and not your escorts... so, when you cloak, the AI ships can no longer see you, and therefore they just stand still while your escorts take potshots at them. Your escorts are not cloaked, but the enemy won't attack them anyway.

And does this go for escort ships from missions? If you have an "escort ship" mission (ShipGoal=3), will cloaking protect that ship? I appreciate your help a lot.

When you cloak, your escorts remain uncloaked. When you have a mission to destroy all the ships in an area and you cloak, the enemy AI ships will stop moving and wait for you to de-cloak, and your escorts can go around and pick them off.

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Originally posted by skyblade:
**When you cloak, your escorts remain uncloaked. When you have a mission to destroy all the ships in an area and you cloak, the enemy AI ships will stop moving and wait for you to de-cloak, and your escorts can go around and pick them off.

But that is only if the ships will try to attack you an no other.

Cloaking is also useful when dominating a planet, because you can cloak, and have your escorts take out all the defenders, who won't shoot back at all.

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