Coolest looking ship

I think the coolest ship as far as the pict is concerned is the azgardi arada. I like the color green. Next is the zachit arada.

ok, whoever posted the "Igadzra", i think it was skyblade, um.... nevermind.

my favs. are in order, by looks mind u;
1)Crecent Warship
2)Azdgari Warship
4)UE Cruiser

NOTE: Dont Send your shuttle w/ all of your Saalian Brandy alone into space; u'll be sober for weeks

I like:
Azzie & Zachit Arada (Iggie arada is pretty cool, but not as much as these)
Azzie Warship (Especially great in magma)
Voinian Frigate
And everything else is great too...this is EVO, remember?

PS Magma Rocks!

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

Voinian Dreadnaught in Magma. In normal, Voinian Cruiser.

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Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?
The Person who misspells "Voinian" knows not of the 50 gigaton nuke coming at their cranium.
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Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
**Voinian Dreadnaught in Magma. In normal, Voinian Cruiser.

So true, so very true... However, I must point out that in Magma, the Voinian Cruiser also looked totally awesome.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**The Voinian Cruiser is really cool, and so are the CW and Igazra. The Arada is also pretty cool, but my favorite is the Zachit and Azdgari Arada.

Are you kidding? The Shipyard graphic is good but the spin is just boring.

I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**So true, so very true... However, I must point out that in Magma, the Voinian Cruiser also looked totally awesome.


True. So did most other Voinian ships. But the Voinian Dreadnaught is, in comparison to the origanel, better then most any other ship.

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Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?
The Person who misspells "Voinian" knows not of the 50 gigaton nuke coming at their cranium.
It's no fun to kill a sleeping enemy. Join the Emalgha in the (url="http://"")uEVORPG.(/url)

Zachit Arada.. it ain't just pretty either..

Hi! I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
I'm big, mad, strong, and Hinwar! I yell 'LONG LIVE THE UE!', but I smash vikimadegie lovers every chance I get!
Cause I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
I'm always making the mods mad doing something or another, but I'll never learn! I'll never turn! Look at my karma!

Any of the Cresent Fighters except the Zidager's. My Computer is just so fast that it makes the engines look blurry and that makes them well cool. But I hate the Zidagers (or the Zidara). I don't think orange and purple like that works.
Next: Laziras and UE Fighters

OOh, arrr! It's Ambrosia(aar)!!!


Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
**True. So did most other Voinian ships. But the Voinian Dreadnaught is, in comparison to the origanel, better then most any other ship.

Absolutely correct. All Voinian ships in Magma look cool, but the Dreadnaught and Cruiser definitely look the best. The Aradas in Magma looked, well, weird and ugly...

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Absolutely correct. All Voinian ships in Magma look cool, but the Dreadnaught and Cruiser definitely look the best. The Aradas in Magma looked, well, weird and ugly...

ALL ships in magma ruled. The aradas could have been better though, they looked like little colorful V Dreadnoughts.

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari


Originally posted by Arada Pilot:
**ALL ships in magma ruled. The aradas could have been better though, they looked like little colorful V Dreadnoughts.

Yeah, except that Aradas had wings and a slightly different engine section. But otherwise, you're right.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).