EVO Anonymous

OK.... this is the FIRST EVER meeting of the "EVO Anonymous" (i'm a newbie here, so i'm not sure if there was anything like this before.. so please dont post anything here to insult my newbieness<--------- hey, u were one once too 🙂 )

ANYWAYS: here we will voice our addiction to EVO. any problems with u being addicted to EVO that conflicts w/ ure everyday life? whatever u got... just yell it here bRothA!!!

so with that said ::::: lets start, eh?

NOTE: Dont Send your shuttle w/ all of your Saalian Brandy alone into space; u'll be sober for weeks

wait, wait, just to keep myself from crossing the lines of "politically correct" -" just

voice it here brotha AND sista"..... ok ..... yeah...... alright......

thats a wrap- i'm off to bed {yawns}... catch ya guys/girls on the flipside (i.e. some time tommorrow around 3:00 PMish(eastern) ) later- enjoy ureselves..... {yawns} :rolleyes:

NOTE: Dont Send your shuttle w/ all of your Saalian Brandy alone into space; u'll be sober for weeks