A bug or is it just me

something i noticed in EVO... you launch a homeing wep.... missile or a homeing sad.....err sac.... nm

and the thing goes wacko... making circular movements......

sometimes it behaves...

I would like to make srue my forklift can HIT that blasted crusier without getting killed myself

I have a theory however... sensor blackouts...

Member of the Shattered Star Confederation

Jamming devices. Of course whoever uses forklifts deserves to blow himself up. 😛



i like my cute little yellow forklift..




I dont think its jamming .... it happens everyware..... ecm deivces usual make the missile harder to hit you.. not go in cicirles for hours then blow up


its like its chasing its tail..even ai ships have this prob... its funny.. but not when our dieing!

Member of the Shattered Star Confederation

You two stop fighting your acting like inmature teenagers. Are you teenagers. Have some advice from a person that gets in trouble and do what I don't do ok. Don't go down the bad side of karma. Hear my advice and go the right way to positive karma. Take that advice from me. I hope a Mod see's my post on this topic for helping these to people and giving them my advice.


(This message has been edited by UE General (edited 02-04-2001).)

Sheesh.. chill out man

I was jokeing.... obviously it was.. no wonder your on the bad side of karma.

If it was an insult i would have noteven bothered to giveas reason nor a reply

Fokrlift you is a stupid phrase i made up!


chill out
if the modder sees this he'll probaly just smirk or laugh.

Member of the Shattered Star Confederation (url="http://"http://www.shatteredstar.com/")http://www.shatteredstar.com/(/url)

(This message has been edited by SSCRamses (edited 02-04-2001).)

There is actually a weapon called the forklift. :eek:


Relaity? yeah.... you drive over somone

In EVO... yep..... small... slow..... nive explosion 🙂

Member of the Shattered Star Confederation

This post is practically incomprehensible and pointless. But to answer the original question, it's not a bug, some weapons get jammed by ECM systems or sensor interference. I don't know about the forklift, except that you really won't get the real experience of the game playing with it. And, for the love of god stop trailing off every single sentence, Ramses.


is it jsut me or is everyone uptight?

cant even have a little fun.

Member of the Shattered Star Confederation

However, one thing I don't get is why Hunter missiles seem to get jammed, and the Voinians or UE can't jam.... Weird...

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

Me thinks its sensor blackouts.. when you get sactic radar readingsyour weaps dont work properly as they would normaly would on a non interfeaerce area... maybe.. ill have to keep an eye on it

Member of the Shattered Star Confederation

I remember reading in the hunter missle's description that sensor interference throws it out pretty easily, but I don't remember seeing them screw up. They always seem to find my ship every time.

Sorry if I came off too harsh.

(This message has been edited by wes (edited 02-04-2001).)

Sorry about my attitude. But you have to stop joking around so much.


"Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window" - Steve Wozniak

(This message has been edited by UE General (edited 02-04-2001).)

(This message has been edited by UE General (edited 02-04-2001).)

then you should remove that awefully funny qoute of yours

Laughter is the only way i can make ends meet for my stress

If you dont try to joke around <hamrlessly> its a another dull tech forum 😉

"Resistance is futile....... oh look... cookies" <microsoft tease made by someone unknown

Member of the Shattered Star Confederation

That quote is in the room that I'm in. Do you think that's a joke, it's just a quote that another one of my family members got off somewhere. Plus if you think I'm joking I do joke but not as much as I used to. I used to get into WAY more Trouble than I have right now because I've changed a lot. I used to have no periods nothing like that.

Music Man is a cool Movie

(This message has been edited by UE General (edited 02-04-2001).)

(This message has been edited by UE General (edited 02-04-2001).)

I was refering to that computer one.


All i know is you just have to be careful about when you joke and where.... thats about it.

Member of the Shattered Star Confederation

I thought there was a fix for the swirly-swirly-ineffective homing weapons bug? Can anyone name it? I assume it's available from the downloads page. Since I never use needle missiles of SA(D/E)s, I wasn't all that bothered.

Ramses - ditch the forklift. If you're wondering why people here are rude to you, it's because you're always mentioning the use of Easter eggs and cheat plugs. Nobody will give you much respect until you've learned to take on the game the way it was meant to be played.

I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma.(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evodude2001/home.html")Please visit Cerberus Station!(/url)
I got this .sig file at insanely_great.com - don't even think about taunting me!

You mean "Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window" - Steve Wozniak
That quote does actually exist.


The only cheat i use... is the forklift

only until i reach a point where i dont need it.

Ive only used it when i cant run from attacks.... right now ima scout ship... only used it maybe 6 times out of the whole game... i dont cheat excessivly.. just a loney freighter you dont want to REALLY P#### off if you get my meaning lol

I relize its cheap...... but.... i cant help but love that cute little forklift.

as soon as i get some deacent weps.. ill ignor it.... 🙂

Member of the Shattered Star Confederation