Yet another bar- The Rock

Al Gore comes in and demands another recount.

(url="http://"")Don't click here.(/url)
The Person who misspells "Voinian" knows not of the 50 gigaton nuke coming at their cranium.

My objective is to live forever. So far so good.

After the mess has been tidied up, Gunsh talks to LoneVoinian and soon they emerge and reveal an attack on the Voinians greatest enemys. A strike on Earth itself!

The ships lauinch but a few hours later and embark on their long journey to the distance enemy....

Don't be too serious or have too much fun. Don't be a hermit.

However, their ships encounter a few difficulties- the massive Dreadnought seems to be having trouble with its engines- it is unable to hyperspace out of the system

I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

Then all of a sudden, a Crescent Warship jumps into the system. All knew who cammanded that ship. "It's Captain DeBlazio, and his starship, the Sindri!" Lonevoinian gasped. For all Voinians knew about the famous UE mercinary. The Voinians nick named him the Shadowkiller. Then without warning the Sindri opens up with her mounted (UE and Emalghian try tested and true) Enhanced Emalghian Guns, or "EEG". They tore away at the voinian drednought's remaining sheilds and bore through the thick armer like a hot knife. But before the dreadnought could get a lock and fire, the Sadowkiller hailed all ships in the system. "I will be back, morons, fear the Shadowkiller!" And just like that, the Sindri jumped out of the system. Then Gunsh moaned, "what are we gonna do?"...

All rise in the presence
of Dark Helmet

All that remains of the Massive dreadnought are her malfunctioning engines and a few plates of Bronev. "There's no way that we'll ever succeed without a flagship. Our fleet is too weak wihtout the Dreadnought," says Lonevoinian. "However..." All eyes turn to the heavily armed, shielded, and rock-armoured Rock, and the engines currently flying off into space, and realize..."

I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

A task force of Crescent Fighters retreives the Dreadnought's battered engines. The Voinians and the Renegades work together to repair and install the engines on The Rock. Then the Voinians continue strengthening The Rock's armor with Bronev kits, and the Renegade Fleet scatters to steal some weaponry and outfits for their new battlestation. A week later, the Renegades rendezvous back at the rock to compare thefts. Samurai steps out to show off his prizes.
"Look at these puppies, mates! Igadzra SAE Launchers! With ammo! I figure, if we modify these to launch Space Mines, and outfit the mines with the guidance technology from the SAE modules themselves...

Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

His thoughts are interrupted rudely. "Hyperspace jump in 5...4...3...2...1...

I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

An azdara flies into the system, just in time to see the rock fly away
The pilot exclaims "Well **** me. A ****** flying rock"

"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-
"Just bung a couple more engines on the back" -Them-

(This message has been edited by Jude (edited 01-13-2001).)

Suddenly the hailscreen in the Arada flashes and a man with a thick dark beard and a scar running down his face appears.
"Arrrrrr, ye bettar beleeeeve it!"
Oh no! It's Black Beard, the most fearsom Pirate in the galaxy! But where is he? The Arada's sensors detect nothing. Suddenly the space around the Arada starts to flicker... Then... The space around the ship transforms into a pitch black UE Cruiser with huge pirate signs on each side.
"A cloaking device! I didn't even know they existed anymore..." gasps the Arada's pilot.
The Arada shakes and rumbles as the tractor beam of the stolen UE Cruiser gets a hold of the Arada. Inside The Cruiser, the pirate crew bursts in the door of the way smaller ship and secures the area. The pilot is forced to his knees when Black Beard appears.
"Arrrr matey. Ye have two choices... Ye either join me and me crew, or ye DIE!"
"Or you die, or you die, squaaaaawwwk!" repeats the robotic parrot on Black Beards shoulder.

Arrrrrrr, matey!!!!

Then all of a sudden, Black Beard hears a klaxon. "Warning, warning, sensors detect 20 UE Cruisers, 45 UE Cariers, and 82 UE Destroyers witvh seem to be leeded by a shiny Crescent Warsip with the emblem of the UE Navy on it's side." "Meyrde," Black Beard breathes. DeBlazio. "Every one! Run for ye lives!" Then all hell breaks loose...

All rise in the presence
of Dark Helmet

"Ye IDIOTS! TURN ON THE CLOAKING DEVICE!!" screams Black Beard. The giant black ship dissappears into thin air. Everything the huge fleet can see is the engines fire up and entering hyperspace.
"Send out a warning of the fleet to other pirates, matey" commands Black Beard.
He then turns to Arada once again, and holds his lasor gun to his head.
"What will it be? Arrr!"

Arrrrrrr, matey!!!!

The pilot jumps to the side and comes up with a hand-held plasma cannon in his hand. "Maybe next time youll remember to check for weapons?"
"Arrrr, me crew isnt that bright. Arrrr."
The pilot fires into a cluster of wires in the ceiling. He takes out a laser pistol to keep the Cap'n at bay as he slowly destroys the cloak feild. the ship flickers and appears, just as partt of the UE fleet jumps into the system. The pilot runs for his small ship, and the pirates, no longer under the aim of his guns, begin to fire. The pilot gets hit in the leg just as he reaches his ship...

Is the answer to this question 'no'?

Just then, I gigantic fleet of Voinian Cruisers, Dreadnoughts, Pirate Crescent Warships and Turncoats.
"Arrrr! HA! It was smarrt of me to send out the distress signal, mateys! Betcha dose UE !@#$% didn't know about our Aliance with theeeee Voinians!! ARRHARHARHARHARHAR!!!"
The Battle began.
Total chaos. At first, the UE had the upper hand. But then the sides turned, when all their cruisers had been destroyed. Just then a crashing UE Fighter hit Black Beard's ship right beside the bridge.
"But sir! We don't have any escape pods!!"
"Ye right matey... But I still have a nice little ship onboard, matey!"
"But will we all fit in??"
"Of course not! HARHAR!!! Save yourself!"
With that he dashed towards his 'escape' ship, which was actually an upgraded ancient Kestrel, the only operational one today.
As he blasted off to evade the battle, he saw a tiny ship far ahead.
"Well blow me down! ARR!! it's the Arada!!"
He punched in his afterburners to persue the ship.

In the Arada cockpit:
<<<Incoming Hail>>> | "Aye! Greetings... I'm sorry... for the little... encounter back there... But ye knooooow... I was low on cash matey... And boarding is the only way I know how to get cash... Will you accept me appology? And will ye teach me how to earn honest cash? I'm sick of being bad... ARRR...."

Arrrrrrr, matey!!!!

The ships arrive back, victorious and glad to have beaten the human scum.

Earth is in ruins and the UE is in turmoil, but Gunsh has been mortally wounded and vows to leave this place, for Himgro, never to return, as he needs medical treatment.

'Farewell friends, 'Lonevoinian, I leave the fate of my fleet to you'

With that, Gunsh leaves.....

Don't be too serious or have too much fun. Don't be a hermit.

"Have half the fleet break off and escort Gush to Himgro. I have plans for the other half." "yes sir." said an Ensign.

(url="http://"")Don't click here.(/url)
The Person who misspells "Voinian" knows not of the 50 gigaton nuke coming at their cranium.

My objective is to live forever. So far so good.

Suddenly, a huge alien cruiser is shown as coming inbound. Klaxons sound everywhere. Lonevoinian is hailed, "I am Captain Matt T of the alien ship Barakourst, I have come to join your conquest."

"What can you offer me?" replies Lonevoinian.

"I can offer you alien technology, weapons you never even dream existed. How about it...


"What alien race?" asks LoneVoinian.

I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

"The Posiatroti."

"WHAT the heck are you talking about?"

"They are an ancient race. My brother and I discovered a subspace warp gate to another large system."


The alien ship suddenly launches some sort of flaming blue object at a distant asteriod. On impact, total and catyclismic destruction follows.

"that just touches the surface...

May aliens yet rule the galaxy?

While all the Aliance ships are celebrating, Captain DeBlazio leads a small Miranu cammando fleet consisting of upgraded Emalgian warships and fighters, plus Crescent fighters and warsips armed with EEG's. They warped into the the voinion system, quikly destroying Borb station, and further ruining the surface of Voinia. The reamaing Miranu ships amd the Sindri jump into an unkown system, to a UE station called, Gateway.

All rise in the presence
of Dark Helmet

Please will somebody lock this story.

I started it ages ago and now I want it stopped.

PLZ! Jude lock this.

Nostalgia just isn't what it used to be.