The Red Horizon 2

This is the third time you have rephrased your original post! You must allow reaction after every one of your actions (or group of actions, such as you firing on us). And no, i am not part of the Kayan Alliance. I am independent. I have two CW escorts. Basically any new developments have been done in EVO besides the Hinwar uprising, etc. have happened in this timeline.

Carno, just edit your post before this one and then i'll post with my reaction.

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.

(This message has been edited by roostersw (edited 01-23-2001).)

That's fine with me how many times you had to repost that. I now have something like 4.5 Million from you, carno. 😉


(url="http://"")Don't click here.(/url)
Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?
The Person who misspells "Voinian" knows not of the 50 gigaton nuke coming at their cranium.

Alright. Hurry up and post your action.

BTW, your CWs would get slaughtered by any of the ships in my fleet.

BTW again, so, in the map, what government should I classify F-25 as?

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 01-23-2001).)

And don't forget, Carno, I have 4 V Cruisers with me.

(url="http://"")Don't click here.(/url)
Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?
The Person who misspells "Voinian" knows not of the 50 gigaton nuke coming at their cranium.


To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 01-23-2001).)

A barrage of fire hit the side of the Zodiac. Aeshek: "They have to be planning something! This is crazy!" Rooster: "Yes, but trying to avoid something we don't know could lead us right into their trap! We have to keep our cool. Anything strange Echak?" Echak: "There's high radiation and a large amount of dust in this area due to the Protostar. I can't get any clear readings except just to fire at Carnotaur's ships." Rooster: "Whatever they're planning, it has to do with the Zodiac, as Carno knows his parents are here. Tell the escorts to line up with us and transfer all security detachments (as i had said, mostly Emalgha) to the Zodiac. Reroute all power to the shields and deflector array. Echak, you have command." Echak then made the announcements and the non-security personnel transferred over to the escorts as they were told. Aeshek: "All pods have attached successfully. We're ready to go." Then the security officers came through and manned Operations. Rooster and Lt. Aeshek took several operatives and Carnotaur's parents aboard the Pultaq (redesigned and pumped up Helian, similar to in LBS) and shot away, using the dust as their cover to hyperspace out towards South Tip Station.

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.

My ship is a CW. I guess it has some basic upgrades, armor and sheilding mostly. My cloaking device is still in storage. I am on roostersw's ship until Carno rescues me.

Give them shell! give them solid shot! Damn them, give them anything!

At what point were you aboard my ship? The only access was the explorer...

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.

"Sir! They're getting away in a Helian! I was just able to see them!" yelled a lieutenant on the Red October.

"Tell Lonevoinian to fire the tachyon beam at the Helian! It's our only chance!" Carnotaur yelled.

"But what if we miss?" Lonevoinian replied.

"Just do it!"

The massive dreadnaught then fired it's tachyon beam into the giant protostar, and then the yellow beam came out the other side and speeded towards the Pultaq. Grazing the Zodiac along the way (which disabled it's engines), the beam only grazed the Pultaq, but it's engines were disabled.

Then, Carnotaur ordered Lonevoinian's four Voinian cruisers to move forward and engage the Zodiac and it's escorts. Then, the Red October and an Azdgari Warship moved towards the Pultaq before Rooster got it's engines reactivated.

By that time, the Zodiac's two CW escorts had been disabled, and one Azdgari warship had been disabled. Then, as the four Voinian cruisers engaged the Zodiac, all four ships opened up with heavy fire. The Zodiac could not stand the pounding, and it was soon disabled. Nearing the Pultaq (which nearly had it engines running again) Carnotaur hailed Rooster. "Rooster, this is Carnotaur! Surrender and prepare to be boarded immediately or the Zodiac, and your two CW escorts die!"

P.S. The Subterfuge is now beginning to help tow Lonevoinian's partially disabled Dreadnaught away with the help of the LoneIgadzra.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Titan orders his Zidara's to retreat. Rooster or deadulus how many ships can I have?

I need a CoCommander for the Zidagar because I can't be on the Boards every day to control them.

"One Ring to rule them all one Ring to find them, one Ring to bring them all into the darkness and bind them, in the land of mordor where the shadows lie."
Check out the upcomming Lord of the Rings Movies at (url="http://"")

Titan, you have quite a number of vessels, however real nations can also attack you while you reallicated forces. Remember that the Zidagar are also hit by the renegades and even Daedalus couldn't halt that. And Daedalus, how are you on my ship? Carno, i had already entered hyperspace. However i will accept your events.

CONTINUATION: Aeshek: "We do have the upper hand, however he won't hesitate to destroy the Zodiac." A panel beeped and the ship hummed. Aeshek: "Engines are back online. The reason more damage was not done is that we are just out of range. I figured out what that was. It's some sort of focused tachyon beam, although i'm not sure how it came from the protostar." Rooster: "My people are strong, and they will survive. Carnotaur wouldn't dare enrage me." Lt. Aeshek leaned in to await his command. Rooster: "Enter hyperspace." The Zodiac blasted into hyperspace toward South Tip Station, without knowledge of whether they would see the Zodiac and their fellow crewmen again.

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.

(This message has been edited by roostersw (edited 01-23-2001).)

"Sir, they are gone." said Lonevoinian's Cruisers commanders. "Spread out. Find them. They went south, all Cruisers go that way. I'll join you as soon as these blasted engines get back online. Hurry! They'll get away soon!" "Yes sir." At that, Lonevoinian's 4 Escort Cruisers hyperspaced twords South Tip Station...

(url="http://"")Don't click here.(/url)
Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?
The Person who misspells "Voinian" knows not of the 50 gigaton nuke coming at their cranium.

Titan gathers a fleet of 40 Zidara's and 10 Creacent warships to crush all resistance in the Azgari system.

"One Ring to rule them all one Ring to find them, one Ring to bring them all into the darkness and bind them, in the land of mordor where the shadows lie."
Check out the upcomming Lord of the Rings Movies at (url="http://"")

Carno, put F-25 as RA for now.

Roostersw, I guess I did a good job of convincing. You can go back and read the posts but I will sum up what they say.
I took off from Zidagar in pursuit of the Zodiac to rescue Carno's parents. I had recieved instructions from a trader as to where he had seen you. Because of my smaller ship I eventually past you in my scoutship.
A little while later you entered a system and came accross an escape pod that had just escaped. I also but in the detail of a small debri field from a recent explosion.
If you haven't put it together yet, I knew I had to get aboard your ship. I went into a system ahead of your route to Zacha, I had to guess that you would take the quickest route. I then self destructed my ship and escaped. I made up a story about being an explorer.

Now, after the Zodiac has escaped to South Tip station, your suspicions have been aroused because you found a picture of daedalus that looks like the explorer. I will now repeat a post that has become valid:
Daedalus woke up crumpled on the floor of his room.
He heard a banging on the door and he opened it. A very mad looking roostersw with a bunch of security guards were standing in front of him.
Roostersw spoke: "I want you! for questioning."
The guards rushed in and grabbed Daedalus.
A few hours later daedalus was hand cuffed and seated in front of Roostersw who was holding a picture of the infamous Renegade Daedalus.
Roostersw: Do you know who this is?
Daedalus's face turned white and he muttered yes, looking slightly embarrased. He hung his head and responded: "Its my brother, Daedalus, the infamous renegade, my parents always said I looked like him. He used to pick on me when I was a kid. He would beat me up when my parents weren't home. I hated him, he said he would kill me if I told." Daedalus looked up with a flicker of anger and a trace of hope in his eyes, "Did you kill him?"
Rooster replies...

Give them shell! give them solid shot! Damn them, give them anything!

The Subterfuge and LoneIgadzra board Lonevoinian's dreadnaught (what is it's name?) and bring aboard a large portion of their engineers. Meanwhile, Carnotaur gets an idea. Instead of destroying the Zodiac and it's escorts, they'll board them! The crew of the Red October along was larger than the crews of the three ships combined. The Red October boarded the two disabled CWs first, capturing them easily with his highly trained and massive crew. By that time, Lonevoinians engines had been repaired. To make sure they worked, Carnotaur had Lonevoinian move towards the Zodiac and board it, instead of the Red October. Lonevoinian's even larger crew took over the Zodiac within 15 minutes, then Lonevoinian (leaving a skeleton crew on board the Zodiac) hyperspaced after the Pultaq. Carnotaur's two Frigates and two of his Azdgari warships did the same.

A few days later, Carnotaur's fleet (Red October, Subterfuge, and LoneIgadzra) towed their captured trophies into the Freeport system. Docking them with Freeport, the crews were taken to the brig. During this time Daedalus (or whoever he is) was rescued. Then, Carnotaur gave the two CWs to some Renegades, and put a small crew on the Zodiac.


Rooster, this is Carnotaur. I did not destroy the Zodiac and it's two escort CWs, I boarded them. At this moment the crews from all three ships are in the brig on Freeport. Give me back Intimidator and Rene, and I'll give you your crew back. Respond, and then I will give you more details.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

At first, only Akrahyek, Bakoom, and Unobot were part of the Kayan Alliance, but once word got out about the Renegade Alliance and their likely connections with Carnotaur and the Voinians, three other Strandless systems decided to join the Alliance hoping for safety in numbers. As a result, Tidibat, Duios, and Groned all sent delegates to Kayia and were admitted to the Kayan Alliance. Their militia fleets are currently in the process of being fitted to Kayan Militia standards (w/ pursuit missiles and defense pods). Hinrix still hopes to remain independent, but may decide differently if renegade pressure increases.

As a result, there were three Kayan aradas already on patrol in the Tidibat system when the Pultaq hyperjumped in, somewhat damaged. Immediately the lead arada hailed the Rooster, who reported that he was attacked by Carnotaur and the renegades and was on his way to South Tip Station. The three Kayan aradas responded by assuming an escort formation and joining the Pultaq on its journey to Akrahyek.

In the Akrahyek system, Thunder was in the process of testing out his new sensor upgrade, now complete and installed, and working flawlessly. It would allow him to detect ships in hyperspace up to two hours away, allowing for a little bit of advanced warning before an attack. The Kayan Science and Technology institute was in the process of developing a military version of the sensor upgrade (The version on my ship has two components, one that allows for the advanced warning. Only the advance warning component will be included in the military version. Without the second component it will still work, but will be less powerful, only allowing for a half hour warning.) Once completed, the military version could be installed on the ships of the militia leaders in each Kayan system, allowing for a quicker response to any attacks.

Explorers are we, intrepid and bold,
Out in the wild, amongst wonders untold...

(Heh... used the wrong ship name...)

(This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 01-23-2001).)

Um, Daedalus, you don't control F-25. Rooster does. At least, that's what I heard in an earlier post of his.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

"Sir, we have just learned of a new alliance or race of some kind from automatic coumputer interrogation in the last few systems." "What is it called?" "The 'Kayins', I think. I do not know if I pronounced it right. They seem to be weak individuly, but strong in a group." "Well then, outfit a Interceptor for Diplomacy. We will have to contact them after we finish helping Carno." "Very good sir."

(url="http://"")Don't click here.(/url)
Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?
The Person who misspells "Voinian" knows not of the 50 gigaton nuke coming at their cranium.

I am aboard the Pultaq. My people are currently holding Daedalus aboard the Zodiac to keep Carnotaur from destroying it. Carno, i'll just assume you were able to overpower my crew.

CONTINUATION: <aboard the Pultaq> Rooster: "They are gaining on us but we should be docked at South Tip Station moments before they enter the system." Intimidator: "He'll never let you do this." The superior special ops officer got enraged suddenly: "Don't you care about the killing?! Don't you care that your son is leaving hundreds of Strandless families on the streets?!" The two were shocked either from the outburst or the facts within. Aeshek: "Sergeant--" Rooster whispered to Aeshek: "I want to hear this. Just call ahead to Thunder and get him to assemble a fleet to hold back the renegades. Tell him Carnotaur and Daedalus both may be the warprize."

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.

(This message has been edited by roostersw (edited 01-23-2001).)

Buba gets through the trip with tremendous ease. Somehow, Buba thinks that it might have been a little too easy. Landing down on Zacha he was immedietly messaged by a Voinian contact.

Contact: "Got the equipment?"
Buba: "Yes... It seems like I didn't have too much trouble."
Contact: "Thats good. Thanks for the run. I'm sure if you are interested in any more jobs for the Voinians that they would gladly offer you another."
Buba: "Thanks."

He ended the transmission and decided to walk around for a bit to stretch. The journey back was going to be long and he needed to stretch his legs and get some fresh air. He left his ship and headed for the nearest city; however, before he even left the docking bay a small group of military units stopped him. A tall officer lead the force.

Officer: "Bubaganoosh, I have a warrant for you arrest from the Zachit."
Buba: "Huh? What the..."

But before he could finish the task force was on him like a pack of dogs. In a matter of seconds they had knocked Buba out and were dragging him off.

Ganna paint our wagon,
Ganna paint it good,
We ain't braggin',
We're ganna coat that wood!