EVO Government Plug

I'm working on a new EVO plug-in which does this: Adds a number of governments, ships, weapons, stellars, systems, and graphics, which are all designed by YOU. In other words, you get to make your own EVO government! However, you must follow some rules:

1. No making invincible ships, and no making really super-heavy-dutey-armed-to-the-teeth battlecruisers. If you fail to do so I will be forced to change your ships.
2. No making your government have super jamming technology.
3. Limit the amount of ships your government will have to 2 or 3. No more.
4. Only 4 or 5 systems per government. There will also be some battleground systems (uninhabited systems which are being fought in).
5. Please try to limit the amount of outfits you make for your government.
6. Please specify to the greatest detail your ships, weapons, outfits, and governments.
7. If you can, please e-mail me the PICTs to your ships.
8. You can make your government an enemy of any other government you want.
9. No super weapons.
10. You may allow your governments to be allies of other already existing governments. Their ships can be in your governments space, but if you can help it, try not to make your ships in their space.
11. You can make your governments space wherever you want, just try not to make them appear in already existing space.

Well, those are all the rules. I may mention more later.

I have no release date on this plug yet, so please don't ask. I will make sure I read everyones post, and exclude no one. However, I'm afraid there is a max ship limit, so only so many goverments can be in this plug. I will notify you when I reach that limit.

I will post daily progress reports.

-Captain Carnotaur

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the EV Chronicles.

Hmm... Everyone seems to be making Webboard participating plugs. Sounds interesting but it could be a hassel to make. Well I guess I'll participate and see what happens 🙂

I'll start creating some picts now 😄

"As you wish."

hmmm... alright, I'll go along with this....

My government is called "Flatulence"
My government is in it's own little pseudo-quasi-black hole of space. Only one exit/entrance portal to pseudo-quasi-black hole exists, placed in the northernmost planet in the northwestern Nebula. The hole consists of 5 planets, one center planet (the homeworld) and the rest of the planets surrounding the homeworld. (so it's like F-25.... a whole separate little glaxy, but just with 5 planets and surrounded by black-hole-ness. 🙂
The technology is simple, stolen from the Miranu and the UE. My ships are like this:

1. F.H.A.O.L (Flatulence's Heavily Armored Orb Launcher)
Designed after the crescent warship:
Picture: Crescent Warship, but blue part replaced with white and black part replaced with red

Speed: 200
Accl: Average
Turn: Average
Shields: 200
Armor: 75
Guns: 4
Turrets: 4
Space: 30 Tons
Cargo: 60 Tons
4 Blaze Turrets
2 PM Launchers + 20 Pursuit Missiles
1 Orb Bay + 3 Orbs

Fuel: 6 Jumps
Length: 150 Meters
Mass: 150 Tons
Crew: 150

2. Orb
Picture: A white spherical ship

Speed: 350
Accl: Good
Turn: Good
Shields: 40
Armor: 10
Guns: 5
Turrets: 1
Space: 15 Tons
Cargo: 15 Tons
5 Blaze Cannons
1 PM Launchers + 10 P. Missiles

Fuel: 4 Jumps
Length: 10 Meters
Mass: 50 Tons
Crew: 3

3. F.L.A.T. (Flatulence's Lightly Armored Transport)
Picture: A white Arada

Speed: 400
Accl: Good
Turn: Good
Shields: 80
Armor: 20
Guns: 4
Turrets: 2
Space: 40 Tons
Cargo: 80 Tons
4 Blaze Cannons
1 PM Launchers + 20 P. Missiles

Fuel: 7 Jumps
Length: 60 Meters
Mass: 90 Tons
Crew: 35

And those are my ships. Basically, my nations thrives off of looting other worlds. We pop in through the nebula and attack the northern and western-races/strands..... Our love of pursuit missiles was stolen from the Zacha.

Now, if you're really willing to make this, that'd be cool.... but, you've got your work cut out for you.....

"Free your mind"
| AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence | (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro &default;=8")Search(/url), inc | (url="http://"http://www1.minn.net/~fpeters/scripts/happy.html")Don't Click Here(/url) |

My Government (Samurai) is just 7 (five inhabitted) systems latched on to the southernmost part of the map. The homeworld is in the middle (Duh.) The Samurai have fairly advanced technology, bout the same as other races.

Samurai Weapons/Upgrades:

Proton Cannons: like Phase, except less damage to shields (9) and more damage to armour (9).
Proton Turrets: see above, except it's a turret.
Sidewinder missles: like Needle missles, except they launch at the same time like SAD modules. Very difficult to jam, and they weigh 0 tons. Launcher weighs 10 tons.
Samurai Bay: carries four Samurai Fighters. Weighs 120 tons. Fighters released one afer another, like UE fighters.

Samurai Ships: All Samurai ships have the same amount of armor and shields. shipyard scale used.

Samurai Cruiser: Large Capital Ship, black and red, fairly fast but bad accel and manuvering. 400 armor, shields. Carries 5 Proton Turrets, a Samurai Fighter bay and four Samurai Fighters, and 4 sidewinder launchers with 100 missles.
Samurai Arada: Standard Arada, except it is black and red.50 armor, shields. with 3 Sidewinder launchers and 50 missles, plus four proton cannons. pretty fast.
Samurai Fighter: like a Crescent Fighter, except black and red. Very fast and manuverable. 15 armor, shields. 3 proton cannons, afterburner.

The Samurai are a normal, friendly govt, open to trading. They are also easily offended. Can you do the PICTs for me? I suck at making ships.

Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

Umm, Flatulance. You absolutely positive you want your government to be called "Flatulance"?

New Rule:

12. If you can help it (This is NOT a MUST, this is a SUGGESTION) try to not name your government the same name as you, but if you really don't want to, thats fine.

Also, you still haven't defined exactly where your governments space is. Also, I assume they are xenophobic?

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the EV Chronicles.


Originally posted by Samurai:
**My Government (Samurai) is just 7 (five inhabitted) systems latched on to the southernmost part of the map. The homeworld is in the middle (Duh.) The Samurai have fairly advanced technology, bout the same as other races.

Samurai Weapons/Upgrades:

Proton Cannons: like Phase, except less damage to shields (9) and more damage to armour (9).
Proton Turrets: see above, except it's a turret.
Sidewinder missles: like Needle missles, except they launch at the same time like SAD modules. Very difficult to jam, and they weigh 0 tons. Launcher weighs 10 tons.
Samurai Bay: carries four Samurai Fighters. Weighs 120 tons. Fighters released one afer another, like UE fighters.

Samurai Ships: All Samurai ships have the same amount of armor and shields. shipyard scale used.

Samurai Cruiser: Large Capital Ship, black and red, fairly fast but bad accel and manuvering. 400 armor, shields. Carries 5 Proton Turrets, a Samurai Fighter bay and four Samurai Fighters, and 4 sidewinder launchers with 100 missles.
Samurai Arada: Standard Arada, except it is black and red.50 armor, shields. with 3 Sidewinder launchers and 50 missles, plus four proton cannons. pretty fast.
Samurai Fighter: like a Crescent Fighter, except black and red. Very fast and manuverable. 15 armor, shields. 3 proton cannons, afterburner.

The Samurai are a normal, friendly govt, open to trading. They are also easily offended. Can you do the PICTs for me? I suck at making ships.

I'll try. I'm not that good at making ships either.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the EV Chronicles.

The Monolith Station is in a system adjacent to the Emalghan systems, an independent trading outpost initially set up by the UE to help facilitate trade between the Emalghans, UE, and the Miranu. I don't need any new ships, I'm quite a humble soul. 🙂

While ignorance is bliss, intelligence is orgasmic!
"In Radio, sound is a rather important ingredient" - Alfred Hitchcock
Official sexy bitch of my hometown,
The Apolyton Lith of Wisdom,

Cool! I'll put mine up in a bit, but i'm busy now.

Great idea man!

Visit my site (url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/indie/thecatacomb/index.html")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url)
If a tree falls in a forest,and no ones around to hear it, does it make a sound?


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Umm, Flatulance. You absolutely positive you want your government to be called "Flatulance"?

New Rule:

12. If you can help it (This is NOT a MUST, this is a SUGGESTION) try to not name your government the same name as you, but if you really don't want to, thats fine.

Also, you still haven't defined exactly where your governments space is. Also, I assume they are xenophobic?

hmmm... I guess not. How about "Garetjaxian"

as for location.... ok, how about just leading off of ANY planet on the outter rim of the north-western nebula? just a line that connects to that little cluster of planets?

"Free your mind"
| AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence | (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro &default;=8")Search(/url), inc | (url="http://"http://www1.minn.net/~fpeters/scripts/happy.html")Don't Click Here(/url) |

(This message has been edited by Flatulence (edited 12-02-2000).)

My goverment is called: Um, I don't know yet.
Where: Right above the North Tip Astriod Belt.
Ally: Zidagar
Shoot pen.: 3
Disable pen.: 4
Board pen.: 5
Kill pen.: 6
Smug. pen.: 5
Jaming: Good

Big bribes
Freighters take bribes

Ships: I'll e-mail them to you.



A station in Eltor that sells ALL strand technology and ships once the missions have been done.
Allies:UE, Miranu, Emalgia
Enimies:Voinians, renegades
Defence fleet: UE fighters and Lazira's
Gov name:Hanley
Station name: Outpost Gorbly

Visit my site (url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/indie/thecatacomb/index.html")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url)
If a tree falls in a forest,and no ones around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Um, okay my Government is the Elvari. They are an enigmatic race, ancient and peaceful. The Samurai Cruiser is now the Elvari Cruiser, and so on.

Good luck with the PICTs. You'll probably do a better job than I could ever do.

Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

Gov't Name: R'nali
InherentJam: 0188
Flags: F200
Allies: none
Enemies: Renegade
Crime Tol: -32767 (you can do whatever in their systems)
SmugPen: none
DisabPen: none
BoardPen: none
KillPen: none
ShootPen: none
InitialRec: 0

Mod. Azdgari Aradas with standard weaponry but recharge rate of 20, red color
Mod. Miranu heavy freighter with weaponry of three phase turrets and a mod arada bay with four aradas, twice normal armor and shielding, red color

R'na (actually Malago, but rename it), no interference, one 'roid
ships in system: mostly pirates, sometimes mod. H. freighters
one station, the kind you see in Miranu space, initially forbidden
station has mission computer and that's it. the station description should read something like how amazing this station is, but you're not allowed in.
defense fleet should be 50 waves of 3 h. freighters each

have a fleet of three Mod H. Freighters show up in the crescent and UE space every once in a while. if they're boarded, they have a LOT of credits, but nothing else


(This message has been edited by oasamostexianu (edited 12-02-2000).)

(This message has been edited by oasamostexianu (edited 12-02-2000).)


Originally posted by oasamostexianu:
**Gov't Name: Miranu ( to confuse player if he attacks)
InherentJam: 0188
Flags: F200
Allies: none
Enemies: Renegade
Crime Tol: -32767 (you can do whatever in their systems)
SmugPen: none
DisabPen: none
BoardPen: none
KillPen: none
ShootPen: none
InitialRec: 0

Mod. Azdgari Aradas with standard weaponry but recharge rate of 20
Mod. Miranu heavy freighter with weaponry of three phase turrets and a mod arada bay with four aradas, twice normal armor and shielding


have a fleet of three Mod H. Freighters show up in the crescent and UE space every once in a while. if they're boarded, they have a LOT of credits, but nothing else

I am sorry. You have to make your government own a system and you cannot make them have the name "Miranu". Sorry again.

Anyway, with the progress report:

Garetjaxian Government (Flatulance) 60% done.
Elvari Government (Samurai) 0%
Hanley Government (The Catacomb) 0%
Oasa Government (Oasa, duh) 0%
Graphics 0%

I just started working on it, so I haven't done much yet.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the EV Chronicles.


Originally posted by Bubaganoosh:
**Hmm... Everyone seems to be making Webboard participating plugs.

Yes, and did you notice that 2 of the EVO ones have been done by me and my brother, Nova6? Did you also realize that I have also done another webboard participating plug-in on the EV board? AND did you realize this all started after I first made my plug-in, Persons of the EV Webboard, and another guy on this board (I think he was called The Borg) copied the idea?

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the EV Chronicles.

Talking about participation plugs...

If ya'll want to look at one of my past threads on the Red Coroco IA Plug and give me some of your ideas on a plug that changes based on the choices and actions of people on the board (an incredibly small patch to the plug prob'ly once a week).

Sorry for interrupting your thread Carno, but this is the kind of audience i didn't get on my other topics. Your plug's the best i've heard of yet.

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.

Updated Progress Report:

Garetjaxians 100% Complete
Hanley 35% Complete
Ji'ang - Nova6 told me just a minute ago (he's my brother) - 10% Complete
Elvari 10% Complete

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the EV Chronicles.

fixed my govt (i hope)


Gov: Quedon
Location: Just west of the Ji Nebula

The Quedon are an ancient race recently revived from chryo-genic sleep only to discover that their once mighty empire had been long forgotten except for five worlds. Using their superior technology the Quedon are planning to rebuild the empire. If only they could find a jump point through the Nebula. The Quedon discovered that this technology was lost and await a an alien race to ally with them and show them the way out. This race is the Emphalgia.

1.Quedon Battle Cruiser
Although rare, it is an extremely superior ship.

Picture: I will try to make one.

Speed: 250
Accl: Good
Turn: Good
Shields: 250
Armor: 100
Guns: 10
Turrets: 8
Cargo: 80 Tons
Mass: 600 w/out upgrades
5 Quasi Turrets
2 Quasi Torp. Launchers
20 Quasi Torps
1 Quasi Mine Layer
5 Quasi Mines
1 Quedon Bay
6 Quedon Fighters

Fuel: 6 Jumps
Length: 500 Meters
Crew: 625

2. Quedon Fighter
Desc: A sleek speedy vessel with strong shields.

Speed: 400
Accl: very good
Turn: very good
Shields: 75
Armor: 10
Guns: 3
Turrets: 0
Space: 15 Tons
Cargo: 15 Tons
3 Quasi Cannons
1 Quasi Torp. Launcher

Fuel: 8 Jumps
Length: 10 Meters
Mass: 50 Tons
Crew: 3

3. Quedon Freighter
Desc: The Quedon Freightesr once formed the mighty backbone of the Quedon empire. Now they sit restless among the five worlds, waiting to get out.

Speed: 200
Accl: Bad
Turn: Good
Shields: 75
Armor: 10
Guns: 3
Turrets: 2
Cargo: 200 Tons
Mass: 100 w/out upgrades
2 Quasi Turrets

Fuel: 6 Jumps
Length: 350 Meters
Crew: 300

If any thing seems totally unreasonable on these ships, please change it. The Quedons weapons are pretty powerful. I will try to make pictures for them.

Attacks anyone not Emphalgia or representative of Emphalgia.
Gets pissed off easily.
Mission starts 100% in the Emphalga bar.
Is allies with Emphalgia.
Enemies of Miranu and Voinians.

"Better to remain silent and be thought an idiot, than to speak and remove all doubt."


I'll try to put your government where you wanted it, but it'll be kind hard. You see, I've already got two alien races there (One, the Vrona Order which is mine, and the Ji'ang which is my brother Nova6s race). But, I think I can fit yours in.

Progress Log:

Garetjaxian 100% Complete
Elvari 10% Complete
Vrona Order 35% Complete
Ji'ang 30% Complete
Hanley 10% Complete
Quedon 0% Complete
R'nali 0% Complete
Graphics 20% Complete

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the EV Chronicles.

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-03-2000).)

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-04-2000).)