The Tachyonic Laser

Ok, I've been replaying Frozen Heart lately.But I have a question about the Tachyonic Laser. It's a great weapon, but when I look at the specs of it in EV-Edit, the damage rating is 5/5, meaning it actually does a damage of 4/4 per shot. So how come it blasts through everything so fast, if it has such low strength?

"Now you've gotten my forklift angry...."
Cpt. SteveVo8a
Cabin 124, Zachit Station

Yes, it is a great weapon. The difference is that beams have a very high rate of fire. So as opposed to the greater damage you might get from lasers or ion fire which only does damage everytime a bolt hits. The beam does 4/4 damage very often.

Remember that thou art dust and to dust
thou shalt return. And while your creation is forgoten your death you still spurn

And it makes a nifty lightsaber!!

Alas, I have begun to lose my faith in macs. I wonder how much longer until I succumb?
AIM: StrikerDragon

The standard-issue continuous beam hits once a frame, or 30 times per second.

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Originally posted by Alien 5672:
**And it makes a nifty lightsaber!!


It's really useful against asteriods. Just hold down the primary weapon firing key and destroy away! Use big swings for best effect.

Also I think you get three of them on the Tachyonic Fighter, which really helps.

Reading over this topic again, where'd you get the 4/4 from? Isn't it 6/6?

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Beams are almost always powerfull. The PD Beam only does 5/1 damage.

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

To answer the other unanswered question I occasionally get about the Tachyonic Laser, 'What is it?' Here is the explanation for those interested.

When the mass of an object is real, the faster it goes the heavier it gets, and the more kinetic energy it has, especially as it approaches lightspeed. To accelerate a particle from just below lightspeed to lightspeed would require all the energy in the universe (and then some more).

When the mass of a particle is imaginary (square root minus one), the faster it goes the lower its mass becomes (or, at least, the real part of its mass, mathematically speaking), and the less kinetic energy it has. Where does this kinetic energy go? It's converted and stored in the banks of the tachyonic laser, which is a regular laser with an enormous energy drain.

M A R T I N • T U R N E R

I think the Tachyonic fighter comes with more than one laser (I think it is 3, but I could be wrong). If so, it wouldn't be 6/6 damage 30 times per second, but 3*(6/6) or 18/18 damage every frame. That adds up to a whole heck of a lot.

Though the best beam weapon I've ever seen would have to be the enhanced beam from Fourth Reich, I dominated half the crescent and all of Voinian space using that thing (and 6 defense drone escorts, hee hee, such fun! 🙂 )


The Tachyonic Laser and Tachyonic Fighter are so good, they're almost a cheat! I can beat ANYTHING in my Tachyonic Fighter. I even beat a group of 6 Falcons and at least 12 Artemis's with just one Tachyonic Fighter and no outside help.

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Ahh, just like the upgraded Adzara and the Dreadnaught...

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

The best beam I've seen is the Mth'kly beam in Quantumire. Quite frankly, I made a plug so I could use it. The range is longer than the screen, and the base damage numbers are something like 1000/1000!

"Now you've gotten my forklift angry...."
Cpt. SteveVo8a
Cabin 124, Zachit Station