Credit limits (a q for Mr Burch perhaps?)

Well, by way of experiment Ive just Dominated all systems again. Ive done this four times now with different pilots and then gone on to do plugs etc. Each time, though, I reach an upper limit of credits after which I just cannot make any more.
Im not boasting here, or even asking for a way to make more credits...Im just intrigued to know if there is any significance to the figure...its the same amount each time.
Im not going to put the figure in this post, so as not to spoil it if there is some intended reason for the particular figure.
If any one has any info, Id love to know...or maybe this shouldnt be happening??
pip pip


Perhaps the player's money was declared as a certain type of variable in the code which has a limit you've reached?

Is the answer to this question 'no'?

that happened to me, too. I guess it is supposed to happen.

It's never happened to me. The most I've ever had is about 275 Million.

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

Why is a max credit limit so surprising? I mean, when it happened to me I was like,"Hmm. A limit. Okay." and I went on playing. Not to diss you dudes, but, why all the fuss over the limit at 1.6 billion (give or take a few mil)?

This is all soooo unimportant...

Battle Doctor, you read me wrong. Im not at all surprised there is a limit. Its just that the limit looks to me like a date...perhaps a birthdate or something...then again maybe there is no significance. I was just wondering if there WAS any significance.
The limit Ive reached is not a nice round 'whole' number, so it seemed as if there may be something to it. Its not really that important an issue, I'm just curious, thats all.
By the way...just thought Id celebrate the fact that this is post no 100 for me!
100 best wishes to all.


Oh... sorry about that.

This is all soooo unimportant...