If you see this, thanks in advance for reading! 🙂

I have just a few questions about the EV Chronicles. I'm developing a major story based in EVO's universe, with a few twists. It'll be sort of like an ongoing'll see. If it goes the way I plan, it'll be huge. My question is this: is it possible to put things like italics into the story when its submitted? If so, would I use HTML for that or the UBB code that is standard on the boards?

Also, I've been wondering if there's any limit to the length of the story submitted at a particular time. If so, it could make the difference as to whether I submit 1-2 chapters at a time or 4 or more.

Also, I heard that Forge got booted for making atrocious it true? When did it happen? I had no idea.....

Thanks; hope you're doing well.



/me is NOT Jude...;) But I can answer your questions.

Italics...yes with UBB codes I think cause the Chronicles are modified UBB scripts...not too sure bout HTML though...

forge's was somewhere along the lines of outtaline. Not just comments...but uhh...more than comments. Happened recently...arrghh...let's wait for Jude to answer...


Damon: An Immortal! Hahaha...there are things worse than DEATH!
Kwanza: bang...bang
"Quoted the Kwanza Man...Nevermore"
If you're one in a million, then there are 1000 people just like you in China.

When you go to submit a new article, it actually says that the use of HTML is encouraged. The Chronicles and progress logs are the only forums (that I know of) where HTML is still activated.

(url="http://"")Shadowblade(/url) - A (url="http://"")Coldstone(/url) Roleplaying Game
(url="http://"")The Omega Conspiracy(/url) - An (url="http://"")EV Override(/url) Novella

Bonjour! Yeah, use UBB or HTML but keep it simple. And keep in mind that HTML is risky, because if andrew does turn off that option, it will look bad.

I haven't run into any length restrictions, myself, but have heard from people trying to submit a story that sometimes after copying in the whole thing, it won't submit. I think this may be a problem with really long stories. You might want to do 2-3 chapters at a time, unless they are short.

Oh, and remember to type your title, without embellishments, into the subject heading line.

You can e-mail me with any questions about the Chronicles if you want to be sure I'll see them.

As for forge, yeah, it's true, along with Nash and Nerov (Mnemnoth). I was really shocked because I'd never seen forge act like that before, and he's always really polite when he e-mails, even now. But the posts were quite disgusting and full of degradation and child-pornography. And none of them seem to show any remorse. forge just says he doesn't know why he did it .

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream!

Sounds like someone had a hyper spurt and happened to be near the comp, I guess...

Hi! I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
I'm big, mad, strong, and Hinwar! I yell 'LONG LIVE THE UE!', but I smash vikimadegie lovers every chance I get!
Cause I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
I'm always making the mods mad doing something or another, but I'll never learn! I'll never turn! Look at my karma!