My accels are halved..?

Does anyone else experience the problem in both EV and EVO where the accelerations are halved?

Please help me if you can.


What do you mean by halved???


You mean your acceleration was cut in half? That's weird. I never heard of that before.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).


Originally posted by Captian Pain:
**Does anyone else experience the problem in both EV and EVO where the accelerations are halved?

Please help me if you can.

Never happened to me... Did you set the game speed lower?



Originally posted by Captian Pain:
**Does anyone else experience the problem in both EV and EVO where the accelerations are halved?

Please help me if you can.


Try increasing the memoy and game speed, that might be it, but I have never had that happen before.

A vandal is somebody who throws a brick through a window. An artist is somebody who paints a picture on that window. A great artist is somebody who paints a picture on the window and then throws a brick through it.
A-One (a graffiti artist)

(This message has been edited by Frederik IV (edited 02-04-2001).)

Hm, never happened to me...
Do what I always do when I'm in a situation in the game which requires speed and strength or sth...
Just open the data files of EVO and EV and edit the accelerations with ResEdit.. works for me


hmmm... was the whole game running at halfspeed, or was it just your own stats?

"There is no spoon"

Something like that happened to my (url="http://"")Arada(/url) the other day, except my acceleration was only decreased by one. But I still have no clue why it happened. :frown:

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"One sting is remembered longer than a thousand caresses."--Toklar, Mon Calamari philosopher

How would you know if your accl was decreased by 1??


I mean, do you actually check your player info window each day and record all the stats? Even so... the player info only says "good" "average" or "Excellent" or stuff along that line.... weirdo πŸ˜„

"There is no spoon"

(This message has been edited by Flatty's Ghost (edited 12-25-2000).)

Who knows, Flatty? Maybe he does!

Alas, I have begun to lose my faith in macs. I wonder how much longer until I succumb?
AIM: StrikerDragon

Well, the computer AI can accelerate at normal speeds, I think, leaving me in the dust.

It's also pretty hard to avoid enemy fire when I'm so slow

Essentially, if I have 450 accel, I go to about 217 (tryed it on the shuttle)

I have my game speed at 100, but I'll try changing it.


Well, the acceleration in the resource field is always halved in practice... as far as the seeming disadvantage you seem to be suffering - it's probably because Matt took out the huge speed and acceleration advantage the player got in previous versions of EVO and EV. Also, the AI can now use afterburners, so that may explain why you're getting left in the dust.


Sounds like a bug...

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

The AI leaves you in its dust... how interesting! Perhaps you're comparing yourself against the wrong ships! In EVO, there's a flag that allows the AI to have an afterburner. I'm not sure if this is implemented in EVO, but if it is, that's the problem.

BTW, It would be very helpful to know what ship you're flying.

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Originally posted by cburns:
**Well, the acceleration in the resource field is always halved in practice... as far as the seeming disadvantage you seem to be suffering - it's probably because Matt took out the huge speed and acceleration advantage the player got in previous versions of EVO and EV. Also, the AI can now use afterburners, so that may explain why you're getting left in the dust.


The man has a point. Listen well, young grasshoppa. πŸ˜„

"Dodge this"
AiM: CrazyJ617 | Bnet: Flatulence | (url="http://"") Test your Reflexes (/url)

In regard to goomeister's question, all of the ships have half acceleration.

I'm thinking it might be a problem with my computer, as both EV and EVO are affected..

I guess I can try reinstalling....


P.S. Does anyone know how to get F-25 to work? I completed the necessary missions, but then I could see all of the systems.

I tried to use the pilot file it comes with, but I'm running 1.0.2 and can't use older versions.

Any suggestions?


(quote)Originally posted by Flatty's Ghost:
**How would you know if your accl was decreased by 1??


I mean, do you actually check your player info window each day and record all the stats? Even so... the player info only says "good" "average" or "Excellent" or stuff along that line.... weirdo πŸ˜‰

Visit my EVO web site at **(url="http://"")****!
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."Β–Salvor Hardin, First Mayor of Terminus


Originally posted by goomeister:
**In EVO, there's a flag that allows the AI to have an afterburner. I'm not sure if this is implemented in EVO, but if it is, that's the problem.

It is.

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...