What is the Best team to work for?

What is the best team to work for?, I've done UE, and other alian missions but which team should I go for.

My ship, the Aquamarine 🙂
Class: Cresent Warship
Four Phase Turrets
Three Cresent Fighters
Twenty SAD Modules

Which team, I have a Good egg rating in Miaua, and a clean in all others. 😕


The Voinians. They pay better than any other government. Or the green strand that begins with an A. (I can never spell it)

"It is not polution that is harming the ecosystem, it is the impurities in air and water that are harming it."
-Dan Quayle


OctoberFost wrote:
**The Voinians. They pay better than any other government. Or the green strand that begins with an A. (I can never spell it)

okay first of all, this guy is an idiot he is all wrong. Working for the igazdra pays off way more and gives you contacts with pirates, smugglers, and secret ships...

for more info, look again later


The Zidagar and Igadzra can give more, the Azdgari can be quite profitable because of the many raiding missions. But the Voinians don't even come close to paying the most. The missions are hard to find, and their ships suck compared to what the other races have to offer.

Oh yes that's right, you could get a big, mean Voinian Cruiser.........and then stare in unbelief as you find yourself getting pelted by dozens of hunter missiles, as your armor goes down, and down, and down, and....



I never said the Azdargi, or however you spell that, pay the most. The Voinians pay the most for CARGO missions, not battle missions. Since Voinian space is close together, you can make lots of money fast running cargo for the Voinians. Since you can work for many governments at a time, you don't have use it on Voinian Ships.

"It is not polution that is harming the ecosystem, it is the impurities in air and water that are harming it."
-Dan Quayle


UE Crusader wrote:

The Zidagar and Igadzra can give more, the Azdgari can be quite profitable because of the many raiding missions. But the Voinians don't even come close to paying the most. The missions are hard to find, and their ships suck compared to what the other races have to offer.

Oh yes that's right, you could get a big, mean Voinian Cruiser.........and then stare in unbelief as you find yourself getting pelted by dozens of hunter missiles, as your armor goes down, and down, and down, and....


Alright so this is a bit of dead thread already, but I just couldn't let it pass. Voinian ships do not suck. The fighters are a lot of fun and the Frigate is just plain awesome, especially in the Crescent (less so in UE territory I admit, but with the right upgrades still good). OK the Cruiser is too slow (for me), but then so is the UE Cruiser. As far as I'm concerned neither is any good for anything other than capturing Igadzras 🙂 The rest of the Voinian kit, however, is alright errr, alright?


(This message has been edited by Alan (edited 03-17-2000).)

october frost is an idiot

Okey, I've decided on Igedzra but one problem, how can I work for them



philcat wrote:
**What is the best team to work for?, I've done UE, and other alian missions but which team should I go for.

My ship, the Aquamarine 🙂
Class: Cresent Warship
Four Phase Turrets
Three Cresent Fighters
Twenty SAD Modules

Which team, I have a Good egg rating in Miaua, and a clean in all others. 😕


Dont get involved in the strand war...it gets you WAY too many enemys. but if you insist...go for the Igadra...VERY powerful ships. 🙂

Crazy Galaxy, Why am I
always caught in the
middle of all the Death,
Destruction, And Boom?
-Vice Admiral Jon


hoboyo wrote:

october frost is an idiot

First of all, it's OctoberFOST! The r is missiong for a reason. Second of all, your post is blind critisicm. Why am I, in your eyes, and idiot. Maybe if you tell me I'll stop being an idiot and change my ways. Maybe you are the idoit, commenting on something you have no idea about. It's a fact. The Voinians pay 60,000-80,000 for cargo missions. While the Miranu also do this, the missions take up LOTS more cargo and likely have a destination system that is halfway arround the galaxy. So what if the Voinians are mean and want to whipe out humanity, they got me from a helian to a c. warship in about 45 minutes of playing time. Think before you say something next time.

"There is no prostitution in China; however, we do have some women who make love for money"

-Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson


Yahoo Messenger:OctoberFost


OctoberFost wrote:


hoboyo wrote:

october frost is an idiot

First of all, it's OctoberFOST! The r is missiong for a reason. Second of all, your post is blind critisicm. Why am I, in your eyes, and idiot. Maybe if you tell me I'll stop being an idiot and change my ways. Maybe you are the idoit, commenting on something you have no idea about. It's a fact. The Voinians pay 60,000-80,000 for cargo missions. While the Miranu also do this, the missions take up LOTS more cargo and likely have a destination system that is halfway arround the galaxy. So what if the Voinians are mean and want to whipe out humanity, they got me from a helian to a c. warship in about 45 minutes of playing time. Think before you say something next time.


It is true that the cargo missions for the Voinians pay more, and take place in a more confined area, but their capital scale ships, i.e the Cruiser and Frigate are slow, weak, and rather cumbersome to pilot. The fighters of the cruiser are way too weak to do damage in the cresent, plus the Voinian ships recharge their armor quite slowely. Once again, payment of cargo missions is really atronomical compared to the UE prices of $12,000 (credits, not $ I know). About buying ships though, I went from a shuttle craft to a UE fighter to an Igazra, just capturing them, its fun and cheap, cheap, cheap.

As I travel through the
gates of hell to face the
deamons, I know my knife
is by my side, and that
all hell can't stop me

Arge philcat you should work for the Adzdgaris. Two SAD modules do absolutly nothing in the area because of missle jammers. And three get either a bunch of sheild compacters or despon missle things.

Gordotron "Long live
the Adizgara!"

You guys can't speell wery vell.

Down with the squirrels!

You should work for the Azdgari (Yes, that is the correct spelling) for a few reasons. First, you get the shield and maneuverability upgrades. They are far more useful in combat than the Zidagar ECM or the Igadzra's worthless SAEs. Second, you don't have to fight those @#$&% Azdgari Warships. Lastly (The reason I decided to work for them), you can get a potentially indestructible fighter: the Azdara. Put Dospect on an Azdara and you can take on anything, provided you have a few minutes to spare.

Those who are blinded by the light shall stumble in the darkness...
Visit the (url="http://"http://pub40.ezboard.com/bthecatacomb")Unofficial EV Webboard(/url)!
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro &default;=")USE ME, DAMNIT!!!(/url)

Ok, this thread doesn't accomplish any more than those polls on the best goverment. We all have different opinions, obviously. There is no one best government. If you aren't sure about who to go with, make a couple copies of your pilot. Then you can always use that if you don't like the current government.
My personal opinion is to do the UE, Miranu, and one of the strands. If you do that you can pick up a cloaking device, a needle jammer, a NPD, and equipment from whatever strand you work for.
However, that is only my opinion. There is no one best government, and we all have different preferences. Of course someone who likes speed and agility will align themselves with the Azdgari. Someone who prefers brute force will more likely go for the Igadzra or the Voinians. I've tried all the governments, and it's all a matter of taste.

"Now you've gotten my forklift angry...."
Cpt. SteveVo8a
Cabin 124, Zachit Station

Another dead post ressurected

Captain Orne

I do not see it as working for just one strand. You can work for the Igadzra and the Zidagar at the same time. I think it you like big ships that this is the way to go. But if you work for the Azdgari, then I would fly a fighter of some sort. Any way I choose the former rather than the later because I like my UE Cruiser. I just wanted to say that when you are slow that the Z. emc is great.

Why are there no maroon ships?

(QUOTE)Originally posted by goomeister:
(B)You should work for the Azdgari

You MUST work for the Adzgari if you want to be powerful and fast. A voinian frigate can be fast and regenerate fast with Adzgari upgrades. Izgaris are weak $!

Since noone else will actually awnser philcat's queshtion, i will.

To start working for the Igdzari, go to that miran planet with the purple eels, Kitrak I think. You'll get a mission there to sumggle some eels past the Zidigar to the Igdzari. But be forewarned, as someone said before, if you get involved with any strand (especially the Agdzari) you will make a lot of enemies.

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

I'm going to be simple...

You should have never asked this question, as you can see, you'll never get the same answer out of everyone. This is a question of opinion, and everyone wants you to think that their opinion is correct..

So let a person like me, who is not biased to any race, tell you the advantages of the races.

Azdgari- Shield enhancement, and an excellent fighter bay.
Zidagar- Extra 20 tons of weapon space, phased beam, a nifty fighter bay, and their ECM system.
Igadzra- SAE modules, plasma siphon, and a big warship that looks like a gigantic yellow penis. NO, I'm not kidding....

Alas, I have begun to lose my faith in macs. I wonder how much longer until I succumb?
AIM: StrikerDragon