Ring of the Gods...

I'm a level 24 Knight with 46 Luck and I've slaughtered about 3-4 dozen Sea Giants now, but I still haven't managed to get a Ring of the Gods. So I was wondering what kind of luck other people are having at getting the Ring of the Gods. Not that I need it, but it is the only item I know of that I don't have, and would feel much more complete if I had it. 🙂

Experiences = Integrate( Life, {t, birth, death} )

well, I have about 15 of them 😛
Need to get around to selling them someday.

Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'

(quote)Originally posted by ArcAngel Counterstrike:
**well, I have about 15 of them:)

Experiences = Integrate( Life, {t, birth, death} )

And I have sold about 20 of them in the hour I played yesterday. My luck is now at 101, it's sweeeeet when you get 3 giants to gang on you and 2 of them drop God rings on you. I am now growing this version of my character in my "Giant Killer" folder in PoG characters folder, just want to see how bad I can get. Down to under 1.8 Million XP to next level-from 2.78M when I started yesterday. Still takes 9-10 whacks to kill them, but they give such good booty.

"Laughter is in the ears that hear"-The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever