Killin' Time

I'm curious, what do people like to do to just kill time in EVO? Ya know, those times when ya don't really wanna be doing missions. For me, it's getting a ship from the Crescent, loading it with phase turrets, and then just beating the crap out of tons of human renegades.

"Now you've gotten my forklift angry...."
Cpt. SteveVo8a
Cabin 124, Zachit Station

Taking over planets, I guess.....

"Dodge this"
AiM: CrazyJ617 | Bnet: Flatulence | (url="http://"") Test your Reflexes (/url)

Me? Hmmmm... Getting a Voinian Cruiser, upgrading it with the max number of neutron turrets, getting Bronov and Dospect armor, getting myself 6 Igazra escorts, and then nullifying the entire crescent (i.e. Blast every government in the crescent back to the stone age).

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Capturing my Azdgari warship, launching the fighters, selling the bay. And then load up on SAD's and blasting Voinians. 😄

Keep watch only for the
giants, and you'll be
eaten by the ant

I usually just fly around zidagar space disabling zidagars and getting money (they usually have between 100k and 300k on board)

your servant,



Originally posted by Cazic Thule:
**Capturing my Azdgari warship, launching the fighters, selling the bay. And then load up on SAD's and blasting Voinians.:D

Hehe. Those things do NOTHING against Voinians 😛

Check out the EV:Nova Planetarion Alliance! #ev3 on **
(url="http://"")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url)**

I just go around killing renagades.

The Person who joins the Voinian Empire knows not true might and he knows not true wisdom.

Renegades of funk?

"Dodge this"
AiM: CrazyJ617 | Bnet: Flatulence | (url="http://"") Test your Reflexes (/url)

Renegades, renegades, and more renegades!... But when that gets boring (and blasting (url="http://"")turncoats(/url) to oblivion gets a little tiresome after a while), I just wander around doing urgent deliveries and destroying all enemies that get in my way. 😄

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
"One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice president, and that word is 'to be prepared'." - Vice President Dan Quayle, November 6, 1989


Originally posted by Cazic Thule:
**Capturing my Azdgari warship, launching the fighters, selling the bay. And then load up on SAD's and blasting Voinians.:D

All Crescent weapons stink against Voinian ships because of their extra heavy super armor.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Speaking of killing time, can someone past a link to the EVN page. I got there once and now i can't find the link again. Thanks.

Keep watch only for the
giants, and you'll be
eaten by the ants

Here ya go:

(url="http://";=26&SUBMIT;=Go")EV Nova Webboard(/url)

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

I like to do missions more then kill time. But what I do is demand tribute from a UE system(exa. Outpost Alpha) and blow up its defense fleet. I then jump out of the system, jump back in and do it again. I've done it three times once in my InvinciNaught.

(url="http://"")Don't click here.(/url)
The Person who misspells "Voinian" knows not of the 50 gigaton nuke coming at their cranium.

My objective is to live forever. So far so good.


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Here ya go:

EV Nova Webboard


Thanks Cap'n.

Keep watch only for the
giants, and you'll be
eaten by the ants

Oh I'd almost forget:
Flying around the galaxy waiting for an ambrosia përs to jump in is fun as well. I never understood why andrew welch flies around in that lame freighter... but i just love shooting him to pieces 😄

your servant,


I thought of another thing i like to do, Zachit: Mass Termination. Doesn't it just sound like fun waiting to happen? 😄

Keep watch only for the
giants, and you'll be
eaten by the ants