Killerbug or evil easteregg?

I was having some plugs in my folder. Think BTC, an outfitplug and another.
Suddenly pops up an UE cruiser with LOTS of neutron cannons blasting the s... out of me. It was quite funny the first time, but it kept coming back. Following me through diffrent systems. Well no problem i thought, im just going to remove the plugs. But no way its still there. And its got a damn quick shield regenaration. Like double the azdara.
What to do? Have anybody of you heard about it.
I even tryed removed EVO and reinstalled it, nothing to do. ****ty ship's named Masskill if it helps you. I'm just gonna find out which plug i was using so the same dont happens to other

(Opalius, please change your sig--Jude)

(This message has been edited by Jude (edited 12-26-2000).)

You probably accepted a mission, in which case the Masskill will follow you around till you abort it.

(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 12-26-2000).)

Damn, did you accept an odd mission in one of the plugs? What plugs were you using?

Alas, I have begun to lose my faith in macs. I wonder how much longer until I succumb?
AIM: StrikerDragon

If you figure out which plug caused this, please e-mail,, and, so we can try to remove copies of it from the website. It sounds like a nastly, deliberate attempt to ruin people's games. And the maker of the plug should be warned.

If the maker of this plug with the UE ship Masskill did this unintentionally (or feel sorry for what was done), please contact the above addresses, and tell them which plug it is, so we can remove it and warn people on the boards.

Ideas for fixing the corrupted game:

If reinstalling EVO doesn't help (remember to throw out the preference files, too), then the idea mentioned above about aborting your missions is a good thing to try. If that doens't work, all I can think of is to consult with and please post your results here and on the Help is On the Way board.


(This message has been edited by Jude (edited 12-26-2000).)

Have you tried just killing the ship? After all.... it is AI. Even if the shields regenerate fast.... well, get a lock on it with a tractor beam, and start flying away.... the AI enemy will match your speed, but not fire at you. When you release the tractor beam, the enemy will still be flying at your same speed and direction, and won't fire. This is when you get your turrets ripping into their hull.

"There is no spoon"

Dude your screwed but i may have a solution get a nice ship give the works amour shields guns and big secondary weapons then get a huge ass warfleet then you enter the code for the fork lift if you want then on your ship try getting a UE Cruiser get a crescent bay and fighters and a krait bay with fighters that should help but make shour you launch your fighters before your escorts do or you can only launch one fighter.If all this fails then you are so #!%$ed its not funny.


Jude: Sabotage?? I never thought of that... why do people have to be such jerks? But it is very possible, once you think about it...

Alas, I have begun to lose my faith in macs. I wonder how much longer until I succumb?
AIM: StrikerDragon

The plugs i was using were: Outfitmods, BTC, and then Reign of the voinians 2 was hiding in the buttom of my folder. I dont have any idea if it was from one of them.
I'm pretty sure i didn't take any mission to kill that cruiser.
But like UE crusier said maybe i should give it a try with escorts and the fork lift.
But how do one get/use the fork klift?
If others have any suggestions i would be glad to have some help


(This message has been edited by Jude (edited 12-30-2000).)

How to get the forklift?? Should be in the FAQ section somewhere.....

Alas, I have begun to lose my faith in macs. I wonder how much longer until I succumb?
AIM: StrikerDragon

The forklift in EVO comes from plugs.....

"Dodge this"
AiM: CrazyJ617 | Bnet: Flatulence | (url="http://"") Test your Reflexes (/url)

He did it! The mighty me killed Masskill. 6 azdgari escorts and me in a little azdara with dospect, the ex. generator. The batlle's was hard, had to try like ten times before i got him. And guess what waited me at earth...
10 of the really big ones. But damn am i gonna be a bit more carefull with plugs and howmany one has at the same time

God was a moderator

Okay, so i'm posting to myself again. I just thought maybe the Ten of the really big ones, could be misunderstood. What i meant whas that when i arrived at earth i got 10 million credits and a message that said that i killed Masskill and therefor should be rewarded

God was a moderator