Ahh... The good old days

I remember when people could have cool signatures in there posts by using html. Like that screen shot of someone driving a courier and killing the alien cruiser.

It took me back when I saw the html "thumbnailed-links" in El Presidento's post about R & R the other day.

Why don't they allow pictures in content these days? They could always enforce a limit, say... 300x300 or so?

Or maybe even smaller?

It would be better than that anoying UBB code. Especially when they hack it's legs (img tag) off!

Please bring back some of the luxuries that attracted me once to this board.

Captain of the Guard

Well, pictures are even more lagging ten UBB code.. And those days were back when ASWBs were small and young...

They ain't the baby boom anymore...

Hence, there is simply not enough space for people to be putting images in their sigs, have you seen how big some of the posts get?????

That's my opinion.

Alas, I have begun to lose my faith in macs. I wonder how much longer until I succumb?
AIM: StrikerDragon

If HTML were enabled, there would be numerous little ****s writing code that forces browsers to redirect to various sites.... like this one: (url="http://"http://www1.minn.net/~fpeters/happy.html")http://www1.minn.net...ters/happy.html(/url) 😄

"There is no spoon"

If HTML were enabled, there would be numerous little ****s writing code that forces
browsers to redirect to various sites.... like this one: (url="http://"http://www1.minn.net/~fpeters/")http://www1.minn.net/~fpeters/(/url)

Then you ban them!

Captain of the Guard

And then they come back with "Ghost" after their names.

The never duplicated
Never capitalized
And always puce:

oooo... ouch. Forge holds grudges, I guess.

"Dodge this"
AiM: CrazyJ617 | Bnet: Flatulence | (url="http://"http://www1.minn.net/~fpeters/scripts/happy.html") Test your Reflexes (/url)

And you have a problem with spirits????