About plug

Recently i downloaeded the plug mosaic. But my computer cant open the read me.
If anybody could tell which missions i need to have done or not done and also where the plugmissions start.


Come on, someone must know the answer, this plug must've been played bye many, i think i made the question quiete simple. Please someone answer!!!!!


In the thread overview screen, you can see that 14 people read your post. Since noone answered, you can be pretty sure none of them knows the answer. There are two things you could (should) do.
First of all, you could try opening the readme file with something more powerful then Simpletext, say BBEdit. BBEdit will open pretty much anything, so you can then scroll a bit and see if there's any readable text in it.
Second, you should also try to contact the plug's creator about this question. However, since I'm guessing he put his email adress in the ReadMe... 😄

Good luck

