Plug-in classification

I was just wondering how the people who run Ambrosia's plug-in page classify plug-ins as plug-ins or cheats. I wanted to know this because awhile ago I posted a plug there and they classified it as a plug-in(which I think it is). Then, when I realesed a second version - it was exactally the same, except I'd fixed a few bugs - they calssified it as a cheat plug!! :mad: :mad: :mad

In Flordia, you're Vote counts. It counts over and over and over and over and over and over...

oops - I didn't meat to post this twice. Just ignore this one.

In Flordia, you're Vote counts. It counts over and over and over and over and over and over...

What does it do?

OctoberFost: Spoiling your fun, one post at a time.
AIM-OctoberFost (b)

Well, cheat plugs don't count inn categories like "Highest Rating"

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