UE Mission Problem

I have a UE Destroyer, and I really want a better ship. How do you recommend I get money quick without cheating, and also, I got the mission to find Anna Bashlova, and I finally found the ship, but my destroyer is not good enough, i need a carrier.


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Hmmmmmmmm.....Thinking, thinking,thinking

Aha! I got it!

Max out your destroyer with shield upgrades, weapons, etc. etc. Then get yourself a deadly or ultimate combat rating by destroying human Renegades and boarding them to get credits. Once you have done this, go to Sumer and demand tribute. They only send out one Krait. Then go to Outpost Topel in the DSN-1156 system and demand tribute. They only send out a bunch of shuttles, transporters, and frieghters. Once this is done, go to Mira. Once at Mira, land, take off, land, take off, land, take off, and so on until you get a lot of credits. Once you have 9 million or so, buy a Crescent warship. Then max it out with whatever you want.

What I did with my Crescent warship is I then went back to UE space and did the Paaran missions. After doing them, I sold my Phase Turrets and bought a bunch of Neutron Turrets. Those are really good at doing lots of damage. The only bad thing about them is that they don't work well against fast fighters.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the EV Chronicles.

Or, you can do either the nebulai exploration strings or a strand string. You will get lots of money either way plus free upgrades.

Give them shell! give them solid shot! Damn them, give them anything!

Try a Lazira. It's a sturdy little ship. I've beaten all 3 main objectives and the Zachit missions in the S.S. Spitfire, my souped up Lazira.

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If a tree falls in a forest,and no ones around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Actually, the Destroyer is a good ship, if you know what to buy. Get rid of everything on it. Add 3 Neutron turrets, 4 Shield Capacitors, Dospect armor, all engine upgrades, all fuel upgrades, all sensor upgrades, all missile jammers, 2 Needle launchers, 250 (Or as many as you can afford) Needle missiles. You're as fast as a stock Lazira. but with extra firepower and more armor. Lazira or Crescent warship is good too if you like either speed or firepower, respectively. If you want firepower at the expense of speed, get the UE/Voinian Cruiser, or better yet, an Igazra.

My personal favorite, now that I've done all the mision strings, is the Azdara. It only seems weak, in reality it's extremely powerful. The secret: Dospect armor and the Experimental Shield Generator. This combo makes you, literally, invincible.

Those who are blinded by the light shall stumble in the darkness...
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