Sprites with InfiniD ?

I would like to know how to do the sprites for EVO using InfiniD 4.5 in an easy and automatic way.

Can anybody help??

I have many designs done, but they all lack sprites. (url="http://"http://www.gruporuipernet.zzn.com")http://www.gruporuipernet.zzn.com(/url) (Warlock Shipyard) (url="http://"http://www.sendanet.es/sastre/ruipernet/warlock/")http://www.sendanet....pernet/warlock/(/url)



I don't have InfiniD, but I think sprite making involves making 32 (or is it 36?) pictures of the ship/weapon, each picture rotated 10° further than the previous picture. You make masks the same way, using white silouettes instead of the ship/weapon picts.

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None. They declare darkness as a new standard.

E-mail at (url="http://"mailto:gekkosw@hotmail.com")mailto:gekkosw@hotmail.com(/url)gekkosw@hotmail.com

It's 36. I know that about sprites. What I need to know is how to use InfiniD to make the 36 images automatically, without having to rotate and render each image manually. And, by the way, how do I rotate all the ship without rotaiting the light source?



Help is on the way from the resident EV/O Infini-D 4.5 master!

What I did is make an object at the origin, rotated 10 degrees every second. I rotated the object by hand, entering in the values individually. I made the object invisible (uncheck show object and cast shadows).

Then, once I finish a ship, I center it and link it to the "spinner" object. Then I render at 1 frame per second as a PICS file, and use PICS2Sprites (or P2S by Roger) to convert it into EV/o-usable format.

It's that simple! (I love infini-d...)


The other option is to make a QuickTime movie of the ship rotating and use the movie to sprites program by Rodger - you should be able to find it on the add-on files.

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- Ron Reagan, son of the former president, on George W. Bush; a (url="http://"http://www.votenader.com")Ralph Nader(/url) supporter.

AIM: ColdFusion117

If your going to make a movie and then turn it into sprites, then don't forget to use the correct time frames, it varies depending on where the camera is and which way your ship is facing


Hehehe, look at all those little sprites... look et em run arund... cum ere, E'm joust gunna smish yer heeaad opun...

Gotta stop sniffin pixie sticks...

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...

Alien's famous tongue...
"Vionions?? Voinioniommoins?? Viks? Veggies? Vegetables? Oh wait, that's a hewman plant...

heh, pixie stix are NOTHIN' if you want something cool, get this stuff called sour powder, or something like that, its cooooool

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and doesnt it make you feel better, the pigs have won tonight. They can all sleep soundly now, and everything is all right

hey pig, yeah you, hey pig piggy pig pig pig

Go to (url="http://"http://www.grand-novice.com/")http://www.grand-novice.com/(/url)
Get the Anim Spin Assistant and Ship Builders Guide in the dowloads section, and you all set. This is really cool stuff, trust me.


I can't find any guides there. Is there any other site/mirror with that software?



I can't find the 'movie to sprites' program. Where is it?
