Frozen Heart ship plug for EVO?

Is there a plug to port the tachyonic ship from Frozen Heart to the regular EVO universe? If there isn't, there should be. 😉



Originally posted by niteowl:
**Is there a plug to port the tachyonic ship from Frozen Heart to the regular EVO universe? If there isn't, there should be.;)


Like the Tachyonic Fighter? There is a similar ship in EVO. It's called the Azdara. How to get it? Work for the Azdgari. When you have it, get Dospect armor and either an extra swivel phase cannon or a fuel scoop (I recommend the latter). You are then, quite literally, invincible. In my such upgraded Azdara, I have actually left the game unpaused, with a Voinian Cruiser attacking me (Without rockets), to raid the refrigerator (A guy's gotta eat!). When I got back to the game (A short while later), the Cruiser was still attacking me! And what's more, my armor never went lower than 98% throughout the entire battle! My only complaint: Just one ton of cargo. If you can live with that, the game becomes soooooo much easier.

Those who are blinded by the light shall stumble in the darkness...
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