I'm just starting...

I gave a look to the EVO Strategy Guide 0.1a and now I'm wondering how do I get involved in this Voinian war stuff?
I read I should be offered some kind of special mission soon (by UE?). I just earned my first million by just doing hauling missions, and it's getting really boring... Where should I go to get this special mission?




You don't need eyes to see.
You need vision.

go to either sol or New chicago, they both have missions. You get into stellar corp if you go to new chicago and i think you can get the start of the voinin missions on earth. Just land on the planet and go to the spaceport bar, thats where you get missions.

Das pimp...wu-Tang forever!

Or you can go to Pax and start working for the Voinians.

OctoberFost: Spoiling your fun, one post at a time.
AIM-OctoberFost (b)


Originally posted by Gow:
**i think you can get the start of the voinin missions on earth.

Why the heck would the Voinin missions start on the capital planet of the Humans? And who are these "Voinins" that a lot of people are talking about? If they are in a plug can you tell me which one so I can blow up those mis-spelled Voinian half-breeds.

The Person who joins the United Earth Dictatorship knows not true might and he knows not true enlightenment.

My objective is to live forever. So far so good.
Books of the new millennia:Left Behind, Tribulaton Force, Nicolae, Soul Harvest, Apollyon, Assassins, The Indwelling, The Mark.

(This message has been edited by Lonevoinian (edited 11-28-2000).)


Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
**Why the heck would the Voinian missions start on the capital planet of the Humans?

He means the missions AGAINST the Voinians. The Defector, that sort of thing.


Wow, Lone, your really cruising now!! 😄

"Stop ryhming, and I mean it!"
"Uh... Anybody want a peanut?"

Welcome, Jomie.

I recommend that you just enjoy the game for what it is - explore, trade, equip yourself and go hunting... Don't worry too much about what you're supposed to be doing. If you can resist temptation, stay away from the web-board until you've played EVO for many hours. Only once you're up against a complete dead end should yuo be asking for information, or once you feel that you have finished, and you'd just like to have a look at any remaining cool stuff.

EVO will never be as cool as it was the first time you worked through it. The mysteries, the sense of being lost... the first time I saw an Igazra ("no response") ...awesome.

Enjoy - and we'll see you around the galaxy, Captain!

I got this .sig file at insanely_great.com - don't even think about taunting me!

Yeah, suppose you are right. Well, back to the game!


Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:
**Welcome, Jomie.

I recommend that you just enjoy the game for what it is - explore, trade, equip yourself and go hunting... Don't worry too much about what you're supposed to be doing. If you can resist temptation, stay away from the web-board until you've played EVO for many hours. Only once you're up against a complete dead end should yuo be asking for information, or once you feel that you have finished, and you'd just like to have a look at any remaining cool stuff.

EVO will never be as cool as it was the first time you worked through it. The mysteries, the sense of being lost... the first time I saw an Igazra ("no response") ...awesome.

Enjoy - and we'll see you around the galaxy, Captain!



You don't need eyes to see.
You need vision.


Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:

Wow, that was some of the best advice I've seen on this board in a while. Kudos.


This doesn't apply for the question, but this is what i've told several people that have just started around this time.

When EV Nova comes out and you haven't really gotten through most of the missions in EVO, don't just jump to Nova. The way i see it, pretty much everyone who's interested in the EV series is already playing, so Nova will be more intermediate. I suggest you get all the EVO experience you need before you play Nova. But hey, that's just me!

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.

Head down to the southern tip, your much better off with the minorities than the big boys (Vilonians,UE). Dtart off by buying a native ship and some turrents and upgrades then start disabeling renegades and looting. capture some pirate ships then use them to help you :Dconqure 😄 some planets. That will help you get a steady cashflow, now you have a firm start to do whatever you want.


Why does some people get a search, then ask, trown at them, and some not. Unfair, well life's a mean bitch and then you get born like one.
