New EVO faq...

Hey y'all-
I've posted a preliminary version of the EVO faq here:

I'd appreciate it if y'all could take a look at it and send me any suggestions you may have, whether it be questions not asked, answers that aren't clear, if I'm giving up too much info, typos etc. Thanks.

David Dunham / tech support / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

Nice FAQ. Can't think of any suggestions though...

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!

Good overall faq.

It is nice to have some hint of mission strings, so you can put yourself in destiny's way. It also gives you a hint which directions in the plot will have longer strings (the central objectives).

I have a few suggested corrections, falling into two categories. There are two about basic playing commands. The first, and more important, is that you cite using the Caps Lock key for pausing the game. Doesn't that just speed it up? I think you were looking for the escape key. Also, I have always just used my number keys at the top of my keyboard to select a port/planet/station/moon/etc. when selecting landing targets or communicating. You might double check how many sets of keys work for this (Function keys,
control-number, plain number . . .). I think that this error/feature exists in EV and its documentation too.

The other corrections come from the port of the FAQ from EV to EVO. There are several times that EV specific terms crop up in your EVO faq. I noticed a reference to "the opposing government" in the question about gaining favor with a government. Even for the Voinians have at least two enemies. Does that work with the Strands? Do you get credit with each of the other two for beating on one? Also, there are several references to EV weapons and ships. You could start with a search for space bombs, Hawk, Lightning, and photon torpedo (unless they really are the Ambrosia weapon of choice in EVO also). Finally, you might make the "You need a launcher" answer come from a rocket question, as I think that rockets are the first ammunition that a beginner sees.


Heh, the only reason I opened this was because I thought the "q" was a "g" and was wondering who David Dunham would be dissing like that.

Oh well.

Nice FAQ. Can't think of anything else to say.

Visit my site (url="http://"")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url)
If a tree falls in a forest,and no ones around to hear it, does it make a sound?

You did a good job on the FAQ!

What else do you burn than witches?
More witches!
"The Holy Grail", Monty Python


Ambrosia has no plans to port EV Override, over to DOS/Windows 95.

Nice one, but i cant really see its that much different from the older, exept that mission part
