Some1 Please send me some unstuffed plugins

When i unstuff plugins they're text file and I cant change em so can some1
please send me some plugins(Overlord plugin and whatever)

🙂 😉 😄


What are you using to unstuff them? Use stufflt Expander, most plugs are larger than e-mail will allow. Also, they are time-consuming to send.

A vandal is somebody who throws a brick through a window. An artist is somebody who paints a picture on that window. A great artist is somebody who paints a picture on the window and then throws a brick through it.
A-One (a graffiti artist)

(This message has been edited by Frederik IV (edited 02-04-2001).)

He has a Peecee, so the resource fork is deleted when he unstuffs them.

I'll try and send you some, Liquid DreamZ.

Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.