Frozen heart: begin

I'm stuck at the very beginning of the Frozen Heart plugin...
not quite because i can't complete some mission but because i just can't find any new missions. Every space bar i enter seems empty every mission list lists nothing out of the ordinary...

the last thing i did was go win a chess competition on mars...
but that seems to be where it ends... ???

which space bar do i have to go to????



Don't remember the begining, but try improving your combat rating or try visiting the systems 5-7 cm to the north from Solar system on the map (forgot the name of the particular system, it was ages since I played this plug-in)


It takes a little while for that one to develop. I don't remember what the next tip off is, but don't give up on it. Take some courier runs around the system.

What else do you burn besides witches?
More witches!
"The Holy Grail", Monty Python