Mission Help

Lately, I've been having trouble with the Huron mission string. I do all the missions (correctly, I think - I kill Renegades and "Freedom Fighters"), but after freeing Huron from UE control, I get a bad legal status in all of the surrounding independent systems (e.g.- Hatilu, Omm, and even Huron!) except in UE space. Did I do something wrong? :frown: 😕



That's stange, I have no idea what the problem could be. Just kill a lot of Renagades in that area and you should be loved by all.

"You all look like happy campers to me. In fact, you are happy campers. You always have been happy campers. As far as I'm concerned, you'll always be happy campers."

-Dan Quayle on a 1990 state trip to Samolia

Which strand is the best to side with? I've ruled out the Zidagar, but I'm not sure which is better - the Igadzra or Azdgari. The Igadzra have the plasma siphon and the toughest ship, but the Azdgari have great fighters and shield recharging systems. Which one is best?



Gekko wrote:
Which strand is the best to side with? I've ruled out the Zidagar, but I'm not sure which is better - the Igadzra or Azdgari. The Igadzra have the plasma siphon and the toughest ship, but the Azdgari have great fighters and shield recharging systems. Which one is best?

I'm not sure, I haven't touched EVO with a klick-long pole in a while Azdgari, the Zidagar/Igadzra plotlines suck.


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Originally posted by Gekko:
**Lately, I've been having trouble with the Huron mission string. I do all the missions (correctly, I think - I kill Renegades and "Freedom Fighters"), but after freeing Huron from UE control, I get a bad legal status in all of the surrounding independent systems (e.g.- Hatilu, Omm, and even Huron!) except in UE space. Did I do something wrong?:frown: 😕


No, you didn't do anything wrong. That's just what happens. See how downhill a country goes when they become independent..next thing they won't even be able to elect a president 🙂
(I'm a Brit, thus the biased comment)


As for the Strand plotlines:

If you want a really difficult story which is quite entertaining, and to end up with a very useful weapon, go for the Igzadra. Be warned: many missions involve long searches and muchos carnage. In terms of the final battle, its difficult, but nowhere near as ridiculous as the Ziddy one.

If you want an easier string with possibly a less exciting storyline, but one which uses the game engine in interesting ways, go for the Agdzari or whatever. Some of their missions are interesting, and one of them could give you access to an indestructable ship (if you're a mission-aborting-backstabbing git, that is). Final battle is laughably simple.

My advice? Go for all three with the wonderful Triple Agent plugin. And be thankful you don't have to use said plug's first incarnation like us old fogies. "Okay, zip across this huge twelve-jump stretch in 12 days! Okay, now fight 47 Crescent Warships! Done? Do it again! Okay, now zip back to where you started! Did we mention there's only a 0.0001% chance of getting these missions?"

Hmmmm, I haven't played the Huron missions, but I can help with the bad legal status. Simple: Buy an Arada, Lazira, or Crescent Warship, outfit it, and then blast the Renegades away!!! I had loads of fun in my Arada (upgraded with 2 phase turrets and some extra shields) blasting away Renegade Kraits and Helians. Man it was fun! I recomend it to anyone and everyone!

-Captain Carnotaur

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!